(Change it to any color you like (: )
"It's beautiful, thank you." My eyes were starting to water, "Don't just stand there! Put it on!" Lillian rushed me as she pulled it off the stand and pulled the top over my chest, and let me step into the skirt.

"Well, how does it fit?" I stepped from side to side, lifted up my arms and flung them in a circle, "The top is too (tight/loose), and the skirts waistband is too (tight/loose). But the colors are perfect and the dress itself is lovely." They nodded and I pulled off the dress.

"Now, while we fit this dress and you go eat breakfast, here is another dress." They gave me a pile of clothes to figure out while one of them started working on the fancy dress. I unfurled the bundle of clothes and a pair of shorts fell out and onto the floor.

A loose, thick strapped sundress and a pair of knee length shorts were in the pile. I pulled on the shorts and as I was doing that a loud whirring sounded and it kinda scared me, "what is that!" I yelled as I pulled on the dress, "It was the sewing machine! Did it scare you?!" One of the fem-piglins yelled back, I nodded as I pulled on my boots that were cleaned and tossed in the pile too.

The piglin that responded to me walked up to me, "we have a pair of flats for you!" I smiled in thanks as she handed them to me. I pulled back off my boots and slid on the thick soled flats. "They feel weird!" She looked to me laughing, "you have to break them in!" She yelled back.

I was confused, why do I have to break the shoes, they're so cute. She grabbed my hand and started leading me to what I guess is the dining hall. "When you go into the room, you must sit where his majesty places you." We stopped outside the door as she did final touches on me and my outfit.

She patted my shoulders before she walked to the door, she gave me little hand signals to stand straight with my shoulders back and my chin slightly up, "only speak when spoken too." I didn't know why she was making such a big deal out of this, it's just breakfast.

She opened the doors and the breeze it made caused my dress to flutter. I confidently walked into the room, a long table stretched the room with the two end chairs having high backs. I quickly spotted Herobrine at the end of the table and made my way to him.

A maid grabbed my hand, "you wait until he notices you, and you sit where he tells you!" She hissed, I felt panic rise as she started pulling me back to the door, "they are fine to do what they please." A husky voice broke me from my panic.

"But your majesty, she is out of line!" The maid retorted, she was an older maid with cracked ear tips and sunken eyes, "they are my guest, I invited them and they shall do as they please." I raised my brows, "that gives me a lot of power, Hero."

"It is 'your majesty'!" I gave her a look before lightly jogging to the seat next to Hero, "how has your morning been?" He asked as he stood up to pull out my chair, "such a gentleman, as is expected from royalty." I said in a posh voice, we both laughed.

The maid was stammering over her words at seeing us so casual, "It's been busy, but I'm just glad to get new clothes!" I sat down and he pushed me in, he sat back down afterwards. "I took a bath for the first time in forever." I smiled giddy, he snorted, "and how was that?" He asked through a chuckle.

I shrugged, "was weird." On the other side of the table doors opened and a butler brought in a cart with covered plates on it, I ooo'd at the little display while other butlers grabbed the plates and placed them in front of us. A glass goblet was placed next to each of our plates, it was then filled with a reddish pink liquid.

"Excuse me, what did you pour in our glasses?" I asked one of the butlers, "it is wine, my Mx, more specifically Crimson Wine." He responded, I smiled, confused but happy that I got a response, "ah, thank you." He nodded and walked over to pour Hero his wine.

A New World. (Herobrine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now