Part 1

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"Page 128. Cell systems." I said out loud to my class of bored 11th graders.

Huffing and puffing they opened their books.
I rolled my eyes at them.

"Yes Thomas?"

"Can i go to the toilet?" The 17-year old boy asked.

"I dunno, can you?" I said, knowing it would make my class cringe.

I loved my students. Even when they were annoying and sleeping on their desks during my class. Not that i would ever let them know that.

"Hey watch out will ye!" Thomas yelled as he bumped into someone on his way out.

I turned my head to look in his direction. He was already gone. Instead, i was met with the eyes of another person. A girl.

"I'm sorry." She said softly as she picked up her books that had fallen.

When she got back up she tucked a piece of her golden brown hair behind her ear.
Suddenly, her grey eyes met mine.

"I-is this Mr. Harrison's class? Biology?"

It took me a while to realize that she was talking to me.

"Uh yes. Yes! That's me, i'm Mr. Harrison." I said a bit too excited.

"Oh...alright. I'm sorry for being late." She said as she quickly scurried off to one of the empty seats.

I raised my brows in confusion.

"We're at page 128 miss...."

"Beaumont. Camille Beaumont." She said.

Camille. French for camomile, one of my favourite plants. And teas too.

"Page 128 Camille." I repeated.

The young girl obediently opened her books and remained quiet for the remaining hour.

The bell rang and all the students started packing their bags back up and left. Including Camille.

"Camille." I said, stopping her in her tracks.

She shyly turned around and yet again, i was met with her icy grey eyes.


I walked over to her and extended my hand out.
She took it and we shook hands.

"I'm Mr. Harrison." I said.

"I know." She giggled.

"And i'm Camille Beaumont."

She let go of my hand.

"So Camille, what brings you here?" I asked her.

"Here?" She asked.

"Here. To this school. I've never seen ye here?" I asked her.

"Oh. Well, me and my family just moved here." She said.

I noticed that she had a subtle accent. French perhaps?

"From France i assume?" I smirked.

"Yes indeed! We moved here from Lille." She said.

"How nice. Don't you miss it?"

"Ofcourse i do. La France me manque!" She said.

I cocked an eyebrow. Her french was so beautiful.

"So Camille, should i go over the material with you? Get you caught up with the rest?" I offered.

"Oh no. That won't be necessary. I already had all this back at my old school. I used to be in 12th grade there but...your school decided it'd be better if i started in 11th here, because of the 'language barrier'." She said annoyed.

Though i probably shouldn't have asked her, i did anyways.

"So you're 18?"

She looked at me confused but then smiled anyways.


She laughed.



"I-uhhh." I stammered.

"Is that something that peaks your interests? My age?" She said, suddenly seductive.

"J-just wondering." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Hmm." She smirked.

"You know what. I'd like it if you repeated some of the material with me. I never was that good in biology anyways." She said.

Her 'G's' were soft and her 'R's' were hard.
I wonder how she'd say my name?

"O-okay. Sure. Tomorrow after class has ended?" I said.

"Sure. I'm looking forward to it."

She picked up her bags and threw her hair back over her shoulder.

"See you tomorrow Mr.Harrison."

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