Chapter 10 - Heartache, Part One

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Exhausted and irritated, the red-haired Witch continued to tread her way through the darkened maze of trees and shrubs while cautiously watching out for anyone who pursued her. She raised her legs in order to run through the woods. Damp soil splashed where she stepped, leaving her shoe prints while spraying small puddles wherever she stood. The wind rushed around her, blowing at her deep crimson hair and orange dress. The fog has started to fade out of existence while it was being replaced by the incoming storm. Cackle knew that she had no place to hide from her enemy; she was like a small orange figure in a vast realm of deep shades of green and black. This only left her the choice to keep running. The sky was still dark, so she lit two green flames using her magic and persisted her way. She would push back any vines or branches in front of her, while she stepped over the large logs that obstructed her path towards the exit she was desperate for. From a distance, Cackle could spot something on the ground. It was a long stream with flowing water. It was too wide to step on, and the water seemed harsh enough to drag her away if she tried to carelessly make her way through.

Oh crap! Seriously!? Cackle exclaimed to herself, looking at the torrent. Great. He could be close enough. She knew that she had no other choice, than to swim across the stream. She then took a deep breath and plunged her legs into the freezing water. Then, she waded deeper into the brook as the water was able to reach her neck. It felt very cold to the touch, and her feet were no longer able to reach the floor of the brook. She used her two arms to paddle across the body of water, until wet land could be felt on her feet again. She then kneeled on the shore of the other side of the stream, squeezing her hair. Drops of fresh water rained from her shiny mahogany hair every time she squeezed it. Now, her hair looked more like a messy red nest, rather than a drooping fern. As soon as she dried her hair, the air felt much cooler around her. Cackle knew she did not have much time to run, so she observed the environment around her. She spotted a patch of shrubs and tall grass.

I can hide here, for now. She planned. She hurried towards the shrubs, and then she hid behind them by crouching. She took another glance, hoping that her enemy did not follow her. A few seconds had passed, and she was shocked. Her eyes caught a pair of vivid red lights approaching the brook she swam across. It seemed like the same figure that was pursuing Cackle was now heading towards the bank of the stream. She gasped and covered herself behind the plants again. Oh, no! He must have followed my tracks! Cackle assumed nervously. The person at the creek looked down towards the sand and then looked at the other side of the stream. He also took off his black boots and waded across the water. As soon as his feet touched the dirt again, he tied his boots on again; they appeared as if they almost reached his knees. The figure then grabbed his damp white hair and tugged at it, draining the water out of his hair. He then walked towards the grass, and he seemed to be watching the plants around him for any movement. He only saw the trees and tall bushes sway with the wind. He then stepped towards the ferns that the red-haired Witch was hiding behind. She held her breath and curled up, hoping that she could not be seen or heard. His observant eye was still focused on the plants that covered the hiding Witch. According to what he was seeing, he assumed the ferns were containing something suspicious; something he wanted. His body moved towards the bushes, and Cackle was able to hear him whisper.

“Cackle? Where are you?” He quietly called. “I know you are there. Step out of those plants, where I can see you.”

Cackle crouched in a position where she tucked her head over her arms, her hands were tightly grasping the back of her neck. She took long silent breaths, assuming that it might be more difficult for her to be heard. EEEEEK! Cackle exclaimed in her mind. No! He is at the brink of catching me!

“Don’t be shy.” He continued. “I would hate to end your little game, Cackle.” The figure then unsheathed a pair of glowing red swords; one blade was held in each hand. He then swiped the blades across the bushes, cutting them off their stalks. He continued to slice his way into the plants, until he saw the red-haired Witch, sprinting away from the bushes. He then looked at her and started chasing her down a second time. Cackle kept running, although her body grew weary.

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