Chapter 2 - Darkness Rising

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There was a field encircled by the dark mountains, and was covered by the moonless night sky like a starry black blanket. In that field, there were three subservient black dogs awaiting orders from their master. They had shiny crimson breastplates that looked like the scales of a red dragon. They also wore spiny collars and cuffs, and on each of their heads was a gold gladiator-style helmet with what looked like a bright scarlet tuft of hair, which made the dogs look like they had a fiery mane. One of the dogs was etched with battle scars, and that was Blister, the oldest of the pack. She saw the other two dogs foolishly playing around in the field.

“Hey!!! Give me that dead mouse! I found it first, so that means I can eat it!” One dog barked. That was Smolder, the smartest of the pack.

“So what!? I’m very hungry!” The third dog argued. That was Fester. Many people say that he is very lazy and as smart as a concussed sheep. As soon as Fester was going to swallow the mouse, Smolder charged toward him, opened his wide mouth, and sank his teeth into one of Fester’s hind legs.

“OWWWWWWCCCHH!!!!” Fester yelped. He dropped the mouse as Smolder stuffed his face with the rodent carcass.

“Stop your pointless squabbling!” Blister howled in fury. As soon as Smolder and Fester heard Blister’s scolding, they stopped whatever they were doing. Blister was known to be very demanding, and would act violently if the other dogs did not do as she expected. “I can hear that his majesty is coming back. I expect you two brainless mutts to be on your best behavior!!! If you wanna live.”

Smolder and Fester’s hearts raced in fear. They swiftly got on their legs and stood beside Blister in an orderly fashion. Their master was walking towards them. He wore a luxurious black robe with scarlet undergarments and gold jewelry. His skin was as pale as the moon, and his long hair and beard swayed with the gentle wind like a white river. According to all of the other inhabitants in the Kingdom of Fantasy, the dogs’ master was known as the Fallen Prince, or Avalon, Mel and Melissa’s youngest sibling. The dogs sat down and bowed as soon as the master glared at them.

“Your majesty.” Blister said. “The Bright Empire is at its greatest, especially with those Green Guardians in our way. We can’t get in.” The master turned his face toward Blister, revealing his right eye concealed by a solid black eyepatch. His other eye was as red as blood, encircled by a black sclera.

“When the time is right, the Bright Empire will fall, Blister. And by the way, my big brother’s worthless weeds would be no match for the army that I will raise. As you see, I am a natural leader; and nothing will interfere with my plans.” The master declared.

“What army?” Questioned Smolder.

“Those Apes living in the Western hills beyond this field. I have tried contacting the Witches, but it did not seem to go as I expected. Thanks to Queen Cackle and her cowardly sisters.”

APES!? They are stubborn, lazy, and stupid!! Don’t forget that they are ruled by that disgusting Emperor Onyx!” Fester yelled.

Fester, hold your tongue. Blister thought in fear of what Avalon might do to Fester in return for his question. The Wizard gave Fester a stern, but questioning look. Blister and Smolder then looked at Fester. I swear Fester. If you get punished or scolded for your impulsive question, you will surely deserve it. 

“Do you question me, Fester?” Avalon sneered.

The dog was trembling in fear. He took one large gulp in humility. “S-s-sir… H-how will you get those m-monkeys to listen to you? W-w-would you k-kill Onyx?” Quizzed Fester.

“That would be somewhat convincing, but I have this.” The Wizard replied. He took out a shiny black quill and a folded piece of paper. “I enchanted this quill a while ago. Anyone’s name I write on this page, and they will blindly obey any orders I give them. Otherwise, I carry a secret deadly weapon inside me. And it would hurt. A lot. At Dawn, we ride. My dragon FrightFlare will take us to our destination.”

The sky turned from a sleepy shade of black to the deep violet color of the rising dawn. The morning sun’s golden-pink rays touched the mountains. The light revealed the fresh green grass and cheery golden flowers of the meadow. Then, an enormous black dragon with brown twisted horns and red tattered wings circled the sky and stretched out its massive talons, as it was about to make a landing. The dragon used his arms to grab the dogs, while Avalon mounted the dragon’s back.

“FrightFlare, take us to the West!” demanded Avalon. The dragon roared and boosted itself into the air. It flapped its wings and took off to the sky.

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