Chapter 8 - The Call

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The White Wizard Mel and his sister were in the middle of an intense battle; they used their magic spells to knock out any of the Ape soldiers that surrounded them, but tried their best to not kill them. Howler and Cackle were too far to be heard, and they had to combat the enemy’s minions where their allies could not notice them. More rain started to pour from the dark grey clouds, making the floor damp and soft. From the distance, a Green Guardian could be seen, trotting into the woods, but a pack of Apes were climbing on the walking tree, trying to pin it onto the ground. Those soldiers sank their claws onto the Green Guardian, scraping its skin, which left claw-marks on its arms and legs. Luckily, the wooden warrior shook its body, flinging the Apes away. Another pack of Apes headed towards the Wizards of Light, ready to attack. They had weapons in their hands, and they were snarling, baring their fangs. Shades of brown and black fur surrounded the twins, and they used their magic to conjure a glossy white-blue shield that would repel the damaging blows from the animals.

“There are too many, Melissa!” Mel cried. “I can’t hold them off for that much longer!”

“There’s nothing we can do about it! We’ll have to keep pushing forward until Howler and Cackle return.” Melissa answered. “Keep holding on, brother.” Melissa raised her wand even higher to keep the magic shield stable, although the blows from the opposing army’s weapons continued to slash and crack the barrier. Sweat ran down the Wizards’ foreheads, reaching to their chins and dampening their hair. More Apes continued to rush towards the bubble, aiming to pummel and burst the magic bubble summoned by the Wizards of Light. 

I wonder what is taking Howler and Cackle so long. They promised to return an hour ago. Mel thought in his head. I hope they are not hurt.

A Wizard returned from the distance, scampering to Mel and Melissa’s barrier. His chestnut-brown hair was flowing with the wind. Apes were approaching him, but he was able to thwart their killing blows by building a wall of thick white ice around him. The Wizard then transformed from a strong man, into a powerful wolf. The wolf was slightly larger than a horse, and it had a coat of brown fur. It swiped other attacking Apes with its sharp claws and icy breath. After the creature was done dealing with the enemy hordes, it sprinted towards the shield of light. Mel and Melissa noticed the grand creature, and Melissa called its name.

“Howler!” Melissa called. “Good you returned. We could not have made it if it wasn’t for you! Wait… Where’s Cackle?”

“I told her to stay home before the battle because of her injury, yet she decided to run out of the castle. I have done my best to support her, yet we got… Separated.”

“Yikes,” Mel responded. “We need to find her before her condition delves deeper into something we can’t fix.”

“Help! Help! He’s after us, after us! Help, please!” A voice wailed from a distance.

A Witch from the distance rushed towards Mel, Melissa, and Howler, waving both of her arms to catch their attention. The arriving person had fair skin and pale lavender hair. She was wearing a solid black dress, covered by dull grey armour. She was known as Eclipse, Cackle’s friend, and she returned to warn Mel and his allies. She was panting with exhaustion, and her legs were sore from running. Sweat ran down from her hair to her neck, and her dark yellow eyes were glossy with tears. Eclipse began to weakly speak.

“Please. Help.” Eclipse sobbed. “Frigid. Arctic… They’re dead! He killed them! I was the witness!” The Witch continued to pant and cry. More tears rolled from her melancholy eyes while sweat continued to trickle from her head.

“Dead!?” Howler gasped.

“Eclipse, calm down, and please explain what happened. Apart from that, did you find Cackle anywhere? Howler told us that she ran off and got separated.” Melissa calmly suggested.

“We were walking down a passage in the woods for the patrol mission, in which we failed.” Eclipse mumbled. “Then he showed up, along with those damn, wretched hounds of his. He attacked Arctic… and he ordered his dogs to kill Frigid!”

“Oh no! Cackle could be there.” Mel assumed. “She might do something that might cost her more than an arm. I cannot bear to watch our friends put their lives on the line. Not anymore. Although we all may agree that Cackle can be a little reckless at times, she’s still our friend.”

“Fine.” Eclipse sighed, wiping the tears and sweat from her face. “I can help you by guiding you to where Frigid and Arctic were murdered. That’s the least I can do.”

“It’s best if we go as a group.” Melissa advised. “I have a feeling that we need as much back-up as we can to defend ourselves.”

The Wizards walked towards the gloomy woods, with Eclipse in the lead. In the form of a great brown wolf, Howler stood behind everyone else in order to defend the team from any approaching enemies that may sneak up behind them. They hiked on the fresh green grass that was sprinkled with dew. A breeze swirled Melissa and Eclipse’s long hair as they began their journey. The Order of the White Lion agreed to accomplish one crucial mission, and that was to rescue Cackle.

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