Chapter 9 - Danger After Dark

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The woods were covered in thick trees and blanketed in mist that loomed over the damp, brisky floor. Tall, green trees towered above the forest floor, while they still weren’t able to reach the silver sky, which grew darker over the time that has passed. The shrieking and hooting of woodland birds, somber singing of wolves, buzzing of insects, and shrill whistling of frogs could be heard from all directions. The red-haired Witch, Cackle, knew where she was; she was lost in the heart of the forest. This part was the most peaceful of all regions in the woods; no sound of the battle could be detected. She continued walking at a steady pace, trying to avoid tripping on any of the wooden roots that split up the ground.

I can’t believe I have gotten this far, maybe this can be a hidden passageway. Cackle thought. I can prove him wrong about me. It’s time I decide to give in a shove in the right direction.

She continued to step deeper into the forest, shivering in the freezing fog that was winding around her. The sky has already darkened from a somber grey to near black, as the towering trees turned into what seemed to be imposing poles of shadow. The air filling the space in this forest gradually became colder, and gentle raindrops began to fall from above, and cover the soil, like a glaze of water. Damp mud slightly sank the Witch’s shoes whenever she took a step, making its squishing and squelching sounds. Night was swiftly approaching, and the calls and songs of wildlife bagan to taper as the minutes passed. The darkness of the new night made it more complicated to see, and the rain grew heavier. The rain doused Cackle’s mahogany hair, which now drooped like a shiny, red, wet fern. As soon as it became dark enough for Cackle to barely see a single object in the pouring woods, she rubbed her hands and breathed on them to keep them warm. Her breath and the friction from her hands lit magic green orbs of fire that coated her freezing hands. The green glow from her hands was able to light her way like a pair of torches. Now she was able to see more details of the forest floor, from shiny mud to rocks and thick tree roots; she was even able to see her own breath puffing like a murky cloud each time she exhaled.

Which way from here? Cackle continued to ask in her head. She switched the topic of what to ask. Why are all those Apes attacking the forest? Why would he be trying to take advantage of other Kingdoms that aren’t involved in this war? I have to know!

Rustling could be heard from behind the lush vines and shrubs that surrounded her. At first, she did not mind the noise and continued on her way. The slight noise faded away and came back, a little more clear than the first time the rustling was heard. The Witch then stopped moving and the magic green fire spewing from her hands started to shimmer in a brighter tone.

“Who goes there?” She angrily whispered. “You better come out here, right now!”

There was no response, but only swaying grass and swishing vines.

Ugh. I shouldn’t even be speaking. Cackle exclaimed in her mind. I don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention, and I don't want anyone, especially Avalon, to know that I’m here!

She was still stepping on the soggy floor, trying to prevent herself from tripping onto any of the twisted coils of roots that split the soil. She used her hands to push away any vines and branches that obstructed her path. She was still shivering from the chilly fog and rain, and small goosebumps started to form on her arms. She emphasized the magic torches that illuminated her hands, making the fire shine more in order to adjust her eyes in the dark.

I can’t get caught again! Cackle still thought to herself. What if… She continued, pushing away another bundle of vines that hung from a tree. After she pushed the vines to the side, her eyes caught something that was quite surprising, yet frightening. She widened her eyes in shock and gasped, covering her hand with her left hand. Oh, no! She cried to herself, tears started to drip from her eyes as her cheeks turned pale with fear. Her arms and legs stiffened. Frigid? Arctic? No!! This cannot be!

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