Chapter 14 - A Farewell

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Melissa was quietly laying on a bed, with her back touching the mattress. At first, she saw blackness, and light started to flash whenever she tried to open her eyes. Even though she was feeling very queasy, she tried her best to wake herself up. She opened her eyes once more, and the light around her slowly became color, and her eyes were able to pick up more shapes. When her vision eventually became clear, she was able to see the immobilized Witch Cackle next to her, sharing the other side of her bed. Melissa rolled her body to the side, and gently lifted herself up, only having her legs on top of the bed. She was still weak from the toxin running through her. When she tried to lift herself out of the bed, her head and chest started to ache again. She decided to stay on the bed, but she preferred to sit and have the blanket cover her hips and legs, rather than to lay down. On a desk next to the bed, there was a small white ceramic teacup that was filled with tea that has become lukewarm after letting it stay in the room for hours. Melissa gently reached out her arms and grabbed the cup. Then, she felt another headache, which made her want to swallow the tea. The flavor of the liquid satisfied her, calming her mind once more. When she put the cup back on the table, there was a note. Melissa grabbed the page and read:

If any of you are awake, please read this:

He’s already been taken care of, so there is no need to worry. I’m very sorry to say this, but it seemed like he was too out of hand, which had to get King Regal involved. Also, it seems that Cackle has not been able to wake herself out of the bed. She still can barely open her eyes! At least I was able to give her some water every hour, and I make sure I do so. If this keeps going on, I might have to bring her to Regal to help her recover faster. I’m not sure about Melissa. She can still breathe properly, but she rarely lifts herself up, and if such happens, she acts like she gets aching feelings all over her head and chest. Hopefully, some warm tea made with these gold flowers I see in the field will help. I once heard from Grandeur that they help calm the mind. Hopefully, I will find a way to help Melissa expel the poison from her body.

--- Mel

Melissa was still in disbelief that she had a toxin coursing through her system, and she never got the information of how such a thing would have happened. She already feels bad enough for Cackle, nearly surrendering her Soul to the Fallen Prince. Melissa folded the piece of paper and laid it onto the desk next to her. That was when her head and chest started to sting again. She winced and raised one of her hands to the side of her head. From feeling the pain radiate in her body, she decided to lay herself down in bed once more. One side of her head touched the pillow, and she was facing the objects on top of the desk. Since she did not want to go back to sleep, she kept her eyes open and resisted her body’s urge to rest. Before she could give in to herself and close her eyes, she heard the door creak as if it were being opened. When the door opened, a figure in a white robe gently stepped into the room, holding a small glass cup of water. Melissa rolled her head toward the door, and noticed her twin brother Mel approaching Cackle. He had the glass of water on one of his hands, and he used his other to help lift the red-haired Witch up. As Cackle was being lifted, the blanket she was covered in slid off her revealing her orange scaly dress, her matted brown fur cape, and layers of cloth wrapped around her torso, serving as a protective bandage. There was a large crimson stain painted into the cloth on the center of her chest. Mel tried to support Cackle, but she gasped, opening her mouth. Her eyes were still unable to open themselves. Then, Mel slowly poured a few bits of the water from the cup to her mouth. She was able to swallow the water until there was none left in the container. Mel started to speak to Cackle, while Melissa was still laying down, listening.

“Cackle, can you move now?” Mel calmly asked, trying to lift Cackle, so she would be at a position of sitting on the bed, instead of lying down. She did not reply with any word, but she made a silent grunt as she was being moved. Mel then rested his hand on one of the sides of Cackle’s neck, barely feeling a pulse. He checked in another location on her body, which was on one of her elbows, only to not feel anything in return. He checked once more by pressing his hand on Cackle’s chest, to make sure she was at least breathing properly. His hand felt the shallow rising and dropping of her chest, and could barely sense her faint heartbeat. Mel started to grow more concerned about the chance of Cackle’s survival, and he was going to check for any signs of life on Melissa next. Mel walked closer to his sleeping sister and reached out his hand to touch the side of Melissa’s neck. Unlike Cackle, Mel was able to sense more life in Melissa. Hope of Melissa’s chances of recovery began to excite her brother, causing him to make a slight smile on his face and drop a tear from one of his eyes. He then laid Melissa back down to sleep, and picked up the empty ceramic teacup on his way outside the room. When he left the room, he started walking down the stairs, towards the main room of the castle. In the main room, there was Howler, waiting for Mel to tell him any news of Melissa and Cackle’s conditions. Howler stood up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards Mel, while The Wizard was heading towards another room in order to put the teacup away.

“Mel,” Howler said, “How are they doing?”

“Melissa seems to be gradually recovering.” Mel sighed, lowering his head. “On the other hand, Cackle is not doing so well. We have to take her to Regal. He will know exactly how to deal with this.”

“What? She’s practically dead! She is severely damaged, and she can barely wake up, or even breathe!” Howler gasped, panicking.

“That’s my only choice. Howler, while I’m gone, I need you to protect my sister. I have known you and Cackle for a very long time, and I would trust you to do this favor. It means a lot to me.”

“And how long will you be gone?”

“That won’t matter. I will do whatever it takes for Cackle to heal.”

The confused Ice Wizard was still unsure of how long his friend would be gone, leaving him to protect Melissa. He was bemused, yet worried about the probabilities of Melissa and Cackle’s chance of recovery, and if Mel was to succeed in bringing the Witch back from what almost seemed to be death. Mel started to pack a variety of items from pages of blank paper to vials of liquids, stuffing them into a small brown bag made of cloth. He then wore the bag, with the case on his back, and a long strap on his chest. Mel then walked slowly towards Cackle and reached out both of his arms to lift her up. The red-haired Witch was slowly rising from the bed, and then the Wizard used one of her arms to rest it behind his shoulder, guiding her way. Mel could not be able to completely carry her, since she was a bit heavy, and that Mel lacked the strength to lift the injured woman. Her deep mahogany hair drooped, covering the Witch’s face. When Mel rested Cackle’s two feet on the floor, he used one of his arms to grab Cackle from her waist, in order to support and prevent her from falling over whenever he took a step. When Mel was finished lifting Cackle from the bed, he began to slowly step his way out of the room, trying not to startle her. When they reached the exit of the room, Mel turned his head to look at Howler once more.

“I’m about to leave now.” Mel announced. “Please protect my sister. She needs you, and you’re the only person in the entirety of the Kingdom of Fantasy I can truly rely on.”

“Yes, Mel.” Howler replied with determination. “I’ll do whatever it takes for me to do so. Melissa and I wish you the best of luck while you are away.”

Mel gave Howler and Melissa a farewell, and faced the exit once more. The Wizard then walked away with the injured Witch. As they left, Howler was ready for the ultimate test, the task to prove his loyalty to the Bright Empire, Melissa, and Mel.

To be Continued...

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