Happy Birthday : Part 9

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" Kiah asked taking a seat at the table. 

"The hacker searched my databases that have information on all of us. Seems they are attempting to learn all the information they can on who we are." Victor said. There was stress on his face. 

"Do we know who it is yet?" Arthur asked. 

"No, but I have a suspicion." Alfred said to the group as he walked in holding a tablet. He set it down then took a breath in. "It's an A.I."

"An A.I.?" Kiah said. 

"Like Vision." Loki said turning to Kiah. 

"Vision... is that the advance being from the other universe you told us about?" Diana asked. 

"Yes, but he's more than just what he was made to be. He's a person. I know it's hard to explain but Vision is different." Kiah said defending her friend from a few years ago.

"I do believe this A.I. could potentially reach the capacity of Vision but not yet. I caught a glimpse into their coding when they were mid hack of our friend Victor here and I was able to analyze it's makeup. It's man made, potentially harmless... at this stage of it's existence. It seems to only want to learn. To educate itself. Why it has chosen us I do not yet understand." Alfred said. 

"How can we learn more? Could this be a threat? Do we need to worry?" Barry asked looking at all of us nervously. 

"As of now I am unsure. The A.I. has been relatively harmless to Victor but we need to keep an eye out. Everyone be on alert. This could change quickly and we need to be ready." 

"Thank you Alfred. Alfred and I have set up a temporary living space here for Victor so we can constantly monitor him. That way if the hacker shows their code again, we will be ready. As for everyone else; keep your phones on please. We may need you." bruce got up from the table and he, Alfred, and Victor left the room. 

"Could the hacker like hack me too?" Barry asked. 

"Really Barry?" Arthur said annoyed. 

"Right. Sorry." Barry often said things that made no sense when he was nervous. It was endearing. He was extremely intelligent so it made it all the more hilarious. 

The team left the building and went about their usual activities. Except Loki, who followed Kiah and Diana around like a needy dog. 

"What is the plan for today ladies!?" Loki said skipping a bit walking behind them through downtown Gotham city. 

"Diana and I have to go into work." Kiah said without turning around.

"Museum curators... right. Sounds like cheeky fun. I'm in." Loki said a bit too loud.

"I don't know..." Kiah said.

"He can come. Just DON'T touch anything." Diana said turning to Loki and putting her finger in his face.

"Absolutely." Loki grinned.

The three made it to Kiah and Diana's work and left to go to their separate offices. Loki, right on Kiah's heels. She walked over to her desk and sat down opening her laptop. She started checking emails and then writing things down on a small notepad next to her computer. It was dead silent in the room as Kiah did her morning work routine. Loki was walking around her office. It had white walls, white floor, and white furniture. Book shelves lined two of the walls with interesting and vintage texts of all languages and themes. The other walls had shelves with different ornaments and stones. Loki reached to touch one of the bright green crystals on a shelf when Kiah cut him off "Didn't my sister tell you to keep your hands to yourself?" Kiah said looking over at Loki with an annoyed expression. 

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