A Distraction : Part 3

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"Do you believe him?" Queen Hippolyta said to her daughter Diana.

"I do. The Lasso of Hestia does not lie. He speaks the truth. But he is not from our world. He appears to be from another dimension in time." Diana told her mother while they both stood watching the Amazon warriors fight on the training grounds below them. 

"Did you find any answers on your trip to the land of men?" Hippolyta asked.

"None. Although, I did speak with a scientist that studies theories on dimensional travel. She said it's possible but only with great power. Power not easily found on earth." Diana said. "And Loki has proven that he is not from earth. And this Space Stone sounds like it has the power to do this. I only wish for more answers. We still don't know how to send him back." Diana looked below her and saw her sister Kiah sparring with Loki. They had become friends in the six months that Loki was this them. At first he stayed in his cell for a few weeks. After finally convincing Diana to test him with her Lasso of Truth it was revealed not only to Kiah but to all of the Amazons that he wasn't lying. He soon gained their trust and became a member of their society. They didn't fully trust him still. Not only because he was the only man, but because he possessed a great power that they hadn't encountered before. And the Tesseract seemed to have vanished.

"You have to stop letting me win!" Loki told Kiah. 

"I have no idea what you are speaking of." Kiah said with a smirk sitting down on a bench in the training arena. 

"You can't hurt me. You know this. I am a-" Kiah cut Loki off. "A God!? Ha! You may think you are a God but you are not. I know what a true God is. And you are not that. You may be powerful and live thousands of years. But as do I. And I am no God. Demi God maybe, but not a God. There is a difference between having the power of the Gods and being one." Kiah looked to Loki who was irritated as usual by her not believing he was a true God. "My father, Zeus, he is a true God. If either of us is more like a God... it's me!" Kiah jumped up and tackled Loki to the ground. The two laughed obnoxiously gaining looks from the other warriors around them. 

"Alright! Play time is over!" Diana said walking into the arena. 

"Sister! How was your trip. You must take me next time. Loki is getting under my skin." Kiah said embracing her sister Diana. 

"One day, I promise. I now know that how you got here is possible. But unfortunately I still don't know how to send you back. We need something more powerful, and someone who understands the multiverse of dimensions. I don't know such a person." Diana sighed.

The day came to a close and Kiah escorted Loki to his living quarters. He was now allowed to move out of the prison but he still had to have an escort wherever he went. Kiah took on that responsibility due to the fact she seemed to be the only one Loki trusted on the island.

"Stay for a while. I stole another bottle of wine from the cellar earlier." Loki winked at Kiah as he conjured the bottle of wine in hand. 

"I shouldn't it has been a long day..." Kiah said looking at Loki.

"One drink? You know you want to." Loki said moving the bottle back and forth in front of her face then setting it down on the small table behind him. 

"Fine, one drink." She said laughing. 

One drink turning into two which turned into another bottle of stolen wine. 

"You really did that!? No wonder he hates you!" Kiah laughed taking a sip of her wine.

"He doesn't hate me. Thor is obsessed with me. I could try to take over a planet and he would still beg for my attention!" Loki said then he turned to look at Kiah and they both burst into laughter. "Oh wait! I did do that!" They were both heavily drunk and talking about their relationships with their families. 

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