I Love You: Part 7

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"I have to go back." Kiah told Loki as they both sat on her bed at Stark Tower. 

"Your mission is not yet done." Loki said turning to look at Kiah as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. 

"I failed." She replied closing her eyes and sighing. 

"WE failed." Loki said placing a stray hair behind her left ear. Kiah's eyes snapped open and she pushed his hand away. "Why must you always push me away?" Loki asked frustrated. 

"It is for the best. I cannot stay here. The Ancient One said that if I linger too long I may not be able to return home. And now that my mission has failed, I must return as soon as possible. I am a failure. I don't deserve to protect the land of men. I deserve to be held in my living quarters until the end of time." Kiah replied with tears in her eyes. 

"You deserve nothing of the sort. There is still hope. You can't leave yet. You can't leave...me." Loki reached out to her and she pulled back immediately. Loki grew angry and stood up abruptly.  "You are lying to yourself if you think you cannot love me!" He shouted. 

"I am not the one who lies." Kiah said coldly.

"Jarvis, send a message to Dr. Stephen Strange that I request to be sent home at once." Kiah said.

"Right away miss." Jarvis spoke. A few minutes later a portal appeared and Strange walked through. 

"I received your message. You want to leave now?" Strange asked Kiah. 

"Yes." Kiah said standing up and turning her back on Loki. "And I do not wish to return." She said. 

"You will regret this decision." Loki said under his breath.

"Possibly." Kiah said even softer.

"I will return you to your home. But know this; there may come a day where I reach out to you again. I know you say you don't want to return... but the offer might be given to you." Strange said looking at her with remorse in his eyes. 

"I understand." Kiah replied and placed her cloak around her shoulders. 

"Very well." Strange said then began to open a portal to return her home. 

"Let me come with you." Loki said placing his hand on Kiahs shoulder. Kiah turned and looked at Loki with her eyebrow raised. 

"There is nothing for you in my universe." Kiah told him.

"There is you." He said. "This universe. It may be mine, but this time... it isn't. I can't explain it. I don't feel whole. I don't feel real. The only real thing to me... is you." Loki said with pleading eyes. "Please."

"I cannot. I am sorry." Kiah said then she stepped through the portal. And just as Strange was about to close the portal Loki took a step forward. 

"Loki. She doesn't want you to go with her." Strange said in a warning tone.

"It is better to ask forgiveness rather than permission." Loki said with a grin then launched himself through the portal as Strange rushed to close it. 

"You stupid fool!" Kiah shouted seeing Loki stumble onto the island behind her. "I told you NO!" She shouted again. 

"If you wish me to leave I will. But I will not go back to that universe where my brother misses the me that died." Loki explained with pain in his eyes. 

"You cannot stay here." Kiah said. "Go to the land of men. I am sure you can lie your way into some sort of lodging." Kiah turned her back on Loki and walked away. Her cloak blowing in the soft wind. 

"I love you." Loki whispered so softly he thought she didn't hear him. But she did. And still, she kept walking. 

For the Love of Gods (LokixOC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن