Chapter 8: Really

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Recap-"So Maleek do you like my daughter"mom said completely embarrassing me.

"Well I-...............



"Well I-" when I started to answer I was cut off by Tiara

"Maleek you don't have to answer that question" she said

"Tiara let him, now what were gonna say" Tiara's mom said look directly at me

"I was gonna say that I do like her, and she a great person to be around"

"Aww that's so cute, Tiara say thank you" said Tiara's mom

"Thank you Maleek" Tiara said trying to hide that she was blushing

"No problem" I said continuing eating my food.

"So I heard that y'all are doing a project" said Tiara's mom

"Yeah we're doing this soda volcano for our science project" I said

"Well just so you know y'all are welcome to come here and do it. I don't mind the extra kids."


Lies, she don't even like dealing with us, then act all proper when company come around.

"Alright, well could we come over tomorrow? I have the supplies at my house I could just bring it here after school." said Maleek

"Yeah y'all can come, just make sure your parents are cool with it."

"Ms. Cendeen, my parents had past in a car incident years ago-"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" my mom said being sincere

"It's okay, it's not that big of a deal" Maleek said trying to hide his emotions. Something just wasn't right.

"Well would you like to stay here for tonight"said my mom

"Sure let me just get some clothes for my and Chris out my car"

"Ok, but you have your own car"

"Um yeah, I bought it with the money from my jobs" said Maleek

"Wow"my mom said

After that we just continue eating until we were finished. We clean after ourselves, got washed, and went in our rooms for the rest of the night.  My mom told Maleek he could stay in the guest room, and Chris could stay with Ka'sani.

A few hours later after I drifted off to sleep, I was woken up by Maleek shaking me.

"Tiara, you awake" he said whispering

"No, I'm sleep" I said

"Then how you- wait nevermind scoot over"


"Because the guest room not comfortable, it's too quiet"

"You could talk to yourself"

"No that just crazy. Now move"

"Uh fine" I said and he climb into my bed. It was dark so I couldn't see what he was wearing until I felt him shirtless press up against me.

"Can you give me some space" I said

"Nah you too comfortable. Let me cuddle with you"

"You moving to fast buddy"

"But I feel like I knew you my whole life" he said pouting

"This is not a movie, Maleek"

"But we could make one"

" You know what fine. Just go to sleep"

"Are you saying yes to the movie or.."

"What no. I mean it's fine for you to cuddle with me. Now good night"

"Goodnight Tiara" said Maleek and when he said that I falled back to sleep with his arms around me.


I woke up early to get ready for school and Maleek's arms was still around me.

"Wake up Maleek"I said

"No, give me time" he said it his morning voice which does something to girl.

"I gotta get ready" I said

"Hold on 5 more mins"

"No, I'm giving you 3"

"Fine 3 it is"he said.

Three minutes later we got up and I went to my bathroom getting prepared for the day ahead of us.

I grabbed my black pants with my school shirt, and put on my black vans in the bathroom. When I came out I seen Maleek wearing the same thing as me, but different shoes.

"You couldn't have worn a different pants" I said

"I like wearing black pants, and I don't feel like changing into tan" he said

"Hmmm, okay" I said. Then we went down for breakfast.


As soon as we got to School I went to the the auditorium, and sat down next to me friend, Alissa.

"Hey best friend" she said

"Hi Alissa"

"Did you notice that girl staring at you"

"Who" I said looking in the direction she was.

"Oh no. I don't think so." I said and waved because she just staring not saying anything. She waved back and started getting up walking towards me.

"Hello, do you remember me Tiara" said the girl

"No, sorry what's your name again" I said

"Oh it's Ava" she said

"Ava from summer camp?" I asked

"Yeah that's me"

"Oh now I remember you, how have you been? And this is my friend Alissa"

"I'm good and hey Alissa" said Ava

"Hello Ava"said Alissa.

After that we all had a conversation catching up and talking together. Then when we were dismissed from the auditorium we walk upstairs going to our first period class.

(To Be Continued................................


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