Chapter 7: Let me meet him

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                        - Tiara's Home-

Me and Ka'sani walk home and greeted mom.

"Hey mom" me and Ka'sani said waving.

"Hey kids, you seem happy how was your day" mom said

"Oh it was good" I said giggling

"Mines was fine, how's your" Ka'sani said

"Mines was a whole lot, but I worked through it. But I wanna meet this friend of yours"

"Ok, mom I'll just text em to see if it's alright. And when do you wanna meet them"

"They can come over for dinner, tomorrow" said mom.

"Alright" I said

"Mmmhhm, now go upstairs and get ready for bed"

"We will" me and Ka'sani said.


Next Morning 

I woke up getting ready, putting on my ruffle black skirt and school shirt. Then putting my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and started to text Maleek.

Me- Hey Good morning 🌅

💞Maleek💚- GM to u

Me- so my mother wants u to come over for dinner....

💞Maleek💚- alright I come, and could I bring my brother

Me- I think she'll be fine with it

💞 Maleek💚-okay see you

Me- see you✌🏾

After that I went downstairs, I told my mom that he was coming over and bringing his  brother so he wouldn't be left alone.

"Make sure you home straight away, so we came prepare for them to come"mom said

"Okay, bye love you mom" I said as me and Ka'sani left the door

             .....(Skip, Skip,Skip).....


I walk inside my school head to the auditorium taking a seat next to my friend, Jamal.

"Wassup Ka'sani" said Jamal

"Hey Jamal, soo have you seen Amor yet" I said

"Nah, she ain't come in" he said

"Mmmhhm alright"I said sitting playing on my phone.

After that I headed upstairs going to my first  class,Art.

Since it was Art class the teacher was cool, and we didn't have any assigned seats. I took my seat next to Amor, and said "hola, Amor".(see what I did there)

"Um hi Ka'sani" she said

"How ya doing"

"Oh I'm good, what about you? You smiling something must be great"

"I'm great, and it you who got me smiling" I said making her blush in embarrassment.

"Stop, you making me embarrassed" she said trying to hide her face.

"Come on look me in my eyes, and you don't like it"

"Ok I-I.... can't do it"

"And why" I asked

"Because I do like it, and your just too cute" she said mumbling

"Aww really you too, Amor"I said making her blush.

"Yo Ka'sani, this is art class. Now stop flirting and get your work done" said Mr. Frank

"Alright Mr. Frank, I starting it right now" I said. Amor looked at me then just started giggling, and went back to work.

We had to draw something that describes our personality.  So I was drawing something crazy with mixes of different shapes.

I don't feel like talking about the school day, you know what happens so....(Skip,Skip,Skip)....

                  -End of the school day-

POV- Tiara

After school was over I quickly rushed my way over to Ka'sani school, so we can get ready for  dinner tonight.

When we got home we both got clean, and dressed. Then started to help mom cook her spaghetti and meatball dinner with garlic bread. Everytime she makes it, it's sooo good. It makes my mouth water.

I was wearing this

And Ka'sani was wearing a match suit.

                    (Just Picture it)

After a couple hours we were ready, and heard a knock on there door.

"Hello, Ms. Cendeen. My name is Maleek and this is my little brother Chris" he said while chris wave, and I'm telling you Maleek looked extra fine😩👅

"Awww well it's nice to meet you Maleek and Chris. How about y'all come in and sit down"mom said

"Thank you ma'am, and it is a pleasure being here."said Maleek

"It's no problem" mom said waving him off.

"Y'all like spaghetti and meatballs"said mom

"Yeah we do" Chris said

"Great. Now Tiara go show them around while I make the plates." Said mom

"Ok" I said. I took them upstairs showing them the bathroom. Then we walked into Ka'sani room and Chris went in so he could talk to him for a while. I left Ka'sani room on my way to show Maleek my room.

"So this is your room... It's so purple" he said making his way sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah... It's my favorite color. What's yours" I said sitting besides him on the bed.

"It's green" he said

"Greens a calming color, I like it" I said. After that we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Well this is awkward" I said

"Wanna kiss" he said

"What no" I said I lying

"Wanna make out"  he said keeping the question rolling.

"No" I keep lying

"Wanna make a baby"

"Not today" I said getting up banging my the floor. After that he got up going behind me grabbing my waist to start humping me.

"Come on- stop" I said moaning

"I know you like it" he said continuing what he was doing. It did make me feel good, but I'm not ready yet.

Then suddenly we were interrupted by my mom yelling "children the ya plates are ready."

"Okay mom"I heard Ka'sani yell from the other room. So I quickly got up fixed my dress and headed downstairs as Maleek followed me slowly.

As we all say down at the table, we said grace then began to eat.

"So Maleek do you like my daughter"mom said completely embarrassing me.

"Well I-...............

(To Be Continued................................


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