Chapter 4

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Ban:- Maybe I have to get real with you now..

Akane:- Haha well then I am happily waiting forward that.

Barely finishing his sentence Akane was already moving towards Ban with the same speed as earlier. This time though the attack Akane was trying to hit Ban didn't work. With a murderous gaze Ban attacked the demon with his wrist without a second thought and it hit. Akane coughed a big pile of blood and fell to the ground. 

Ban:- You sure talk big but where did all that power from earlier go?

Ban didn't even look hurt anymore. As he was beating the fuck out from the demon he was smiling like a maniac. 

Akane:-I see so you were just hiding your true power huh? You sure enjoying beating me up don't you

Ban:- Hell yeah. I'm gonna kill you and return you to where you came you son of a bitch.

Akane:- I still have a second plan... If I can't have that beautiful head of that young lady SO CAN'T YOU!

Ban:- What are you-

Without getting the chance to finish what he was about to say the Demon started to change it's shape. It started to turn big and rocky as if it was about to explode and looked like it would destroy everything that would come on its way. Ban knew he couldn't die but remembering Jericho and realizing how she could get into thousand pieces if that thing would touch her made his blood boil. Furious, he hurried as fast as he could to save Jericho.

Finally arriving to where Jericho was being held Ban, with all his power broke the demon magic that was keeping Jericho and rushed to get out of the forest carrying her. He knew that he didn't have much time but was at least happy for the fact that was able to get Jericho

Jericho:- Ban.. thank you.

Ban:- Why you thanking me.. I don't deserve it. I haven't even saved you completely yet..

Jericho:- What do you mean? You beat that demon asshole right? There isn't anything to worry right

Ban:- About that, I didn't. Sure I totally beat that scumbag but it's exploding right now. That's why I am hurrying to get out of this forest


Ban:- That demon is crazy. It's probably gonna die after it explodes but so are you if you stay here, I can't afford to lose you too so we have so get out from here ASAP

Jericho didn't say a word after that. She remembered her despised Elane that was the reason to make Ban almost lose his mind. She bit her lips hard as her anger was growing. 


Why am I being reminded of that bitch right now... I am just making it harder for Ban. He has to even carry me right now because I am so powerless. What can I even do on my own
? I need to get a hold of myself.


Suddenly Jericho got off up from Ban's arms and started to run by herself.

Ban:- Jericho what the heck? What are you doing??!

Jericho:- I am just being an extra weight on your shoulders so I thought if would be better this way

Ban:- No! You are very light so it didn't affect me at all.. Also wouldn't it be faster if I carried you. I can run way faster than you

Jericho:- Yes.. that's the problem..

She said that her voice becoming more quiet, almost as quiet as a whisper.

Ban:- I'm sorry Jericho I can't quite hear yo-

The explosion happened right then, before Ban's eyes. He react as fast as he could and Pushed Jericho to the ground holding her. He was on top of Jericho to protect her. Jericho saw how Ban got cut into million pieces. That scene before her eyes was traumatizing. All that blood coming from him was too much for Jericho. She screamed from the bottom of her soul as loud as a human could... and that was the only thing she could do.

Akane made itself explode as a poison gas so before Jericho realized she was unconscious.


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