Ch. 8

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Drift POV
We ended up falling asleep; I'm glad I have my arms around Jamie as she lies on me.

I wake up feeling her trying to break free. She gives up once she realizes I'm awake and rests her head on my chest. With Crosshairs still asleep, I carry Jamie to my room.

I sit on my bed and hug her close to me.
"I don't know what to do, but give up," Jamie mumbles and puts her arms around me. I know tears are rolling down her face.
This isn't like you to give up, Jamie.
Either way, my girl is going to struggle, and I hate it. Hound's idea is a good one, but Prime is right; it'll also cause more problems.
"Come on, let's get some food," I suggest as I carry Jamie out of the room and downstairs.

Ratchet and Prime are already in the kitchen eating lunch. I don't know if they know what she did this morning or not. Perhaps they do, considering Prime takes Jamie from me and walks out of the kitchen.
"He knows," Ratchet confirms. I sit on the stool beside Ratchet and sigh, "Sunstreaker told us as he left to get his bipedal form."
"I'm sorry, but Prime had to know," Sunstreaker says as he walks in and gets a plate of the chicken and cheese fries Cogman made, I didn't know he got me a plate until he put it in front of me.

Optimus Prime POV
I carried Jamie to my room even though it's on the third floor, passing Sideswipe, who looks concerned.
I hate to make her cry again, but we need to talk about what she did this morning.

Sitting on the bed, I hug her trying to think about what to say. I failed her; now, she has permanent emotional and mental sounds. I know it is partly how humans in her dimension do nothing about bullying or don't seem to care about mental health, but I could have found a way for us to help her better. Seems like the simple action of having Crosshairs and Drift here sooner would have helped, but I didn't order them to come to Earth. There was no way I could have given them the order. I doubt we wouldn't be dealing with this shit if they were here sooner.
I sigh, hating how I'm going to make Jamie cry again, "Jamie, I don't approve of what you did this morning. You scared all of us."
"No, I'm just extra work for everyone. Even if I didn't have this fragging medical condition, my emotional and mental shit keeps everyone busy. Maybe humans back home aren't jerks but smart."
Hearing Jamie say this and watching tears roll down her face hurts.
"No, Jamie, you're not a burden. You know how much Ratchet has researched with the help of Bulma to find ways to treat the condition, and he's trying to find a way to cure you. How could Drift think you're a burden and fall for you?"
I could go on, but this should be enough for her to hopefully understand even with the depression. I knew she'd start crying.
"You know how much we all care about you. Like I said, you scared us using your instant transmission this morning."

Sunstreaker POV
I lean on the wall by the door, hearing everything even though the door is left open only a crack. It's enough for me to hear what's going on in the room. I walk in aware I may get in trouble. I want to show Jamie the art I've been working on.
"Let me take her," I insist.
I can tell Prime isn't sure about this, but he hands Jamie to me. I don't think she cares who's she with since she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder.

I go to my room, sit on my bed and rub her back. She's not crying like this morning, but I want to try to get her to stop crying. Sideswipe walks in two minutes later and sits on the bed beside me.
"Come on, Jamie, you know how much we all care about you. You have Sunstreaker - who hates most humans - caring about you that you scared him when you used your instant transmission this morning," Sideswipe explains.
As much as I'd rather Sideswipe not tell Jamie I was scared she left to end her life, maybe it's a good thing she knows I was scared. I have Sideswipe take Jamie, so I can show her the art I've been working on; a portrait of her, Crosshairs, and Drift. Though I used a photo I took as a reference, I know she loves my art, and a piece of her two mechs would really make her happy.
"I'm not done yet, but I know you'll love this."
I show her the picture and immediately get a smile.
"When are you going to do a portrait of us for her?" Sideswipe sulks. I deck him on the head with a paintbrush, "ouch," he whines, making Jamie laugh.
Jamie and Sideswipe go play video games downstairs while I finish this piece. Maybe she's starting to get out of this depressed period, but for how long?

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