Apex Legend: The Ace Cowboy

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"You know everyone says That they wanted to be legend me ive seen legends one Ace pilot Cooper Riley his titan BT they did amazing i use to be Ace pilot but i drop out for my commander order me to murder IMC Family i didn't want to so i dropped out now i look for Money and thrills"

The ace Ex-pilot Cowboy

Garrett Willson is one most Veteran militia pilot he use to pilot titans, he was Pilot for tone Titan he perfer precision over and everything He dropout for his commander was Spitful man he was Order to destory imc outpost but he soon Sees it was settlement he regretted soon drown himself in alcohol but now hes a mercernary for hire for protection but when he heard of apex legends he could use money for survivors of the war

Garrett Willson is one most Veteran militia pilot he use to pilot titans, he was Pilot for tone Titan he perfer precision over and everything He dropout for his commander was Spitful man he was Order to destory imc outpost but he soon Sees it was ...

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Garrett without his suit is Western looking male who is 7ft tall his southern accent will come out when hes in the field or doing something else he wears old style cowboy hat

Garrett without his suit is Western looking male who is 7ft tall his southern accent will come out when hes in the field or doing something else he wears old style cowboy hat

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His suit is fusion of his hold suit and new upgrades he replace his helmet with better one with vision to help him when hes drunk or using alcohol and bomber jack for style

His suit is fusion of his hold suit and new upgrades he replace his helmet with better one with vision to help him when hes drunk or using alcohol and bomber jack for style

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His jump kit is custom made for mobility across the map along with cowboy knife

His personality resembles that of arthur morgan hes honorable, respectful and very much so treats others with respect sadly if your asshole hes an asshole back mostly those who was disrespected pilots

Onto his abilities and Passive

Ex-Pilot Training
Since Garrett was Ex-Pilot he stole jump kit and now he can use it on field of apex map and can get out of sticky situation

Tactical ability
Trail Mix
He throws a field of caltrops on the ground if enemies step on it they take damage more they walk threw more damage but it also leave blood trail which Garrett can follow

Gunslinger intuition
This ultimate summons custom made Revolver that he uses armor pericing shots he has only six but if you are low health it one shots

Favorite drink

Favorite food
Rabbit stew

Country/with lil heavy metal or rock

Ace in exile


Big iron

Onto his quotes



"thank ya"


"Ammo here partner"

"Ammo grab it before some else do"

"Enemies ahead"

"Look over there"

"Shoot been shot at"


"Damn it im out"

"Sonvua bitch i need drink"

"shit GRENADE"

Onto his kill quotes
If he downs someone
"One down two to go"

If he downs 2
"Damn 2 ready well shit"

If he eliminated enemy team

If hes kill leader
"Well tie me up to a horse drag me out, im the kill leader"

Wins quote
"You went the quickest draw, better luck next time"

"Guns up!"
"Let see if your quick on ya feet"
"Six shooter Ready to go"

Last quote
"Trail mix ready"
"Ill leave lil surpise for these varmints"

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