Village Detectives!

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So one my followers Asked to make resident evil village oc so Thats what im gonna do so here we go

Lore about The Two detectives

So how did they came to be bioweapons well both were scientists under the infamous umbrella corporation sadly one of them spill secrets to Public and was turned into guniea pig the other tried helping him sadly he was accidentally making new virus that caused him to become more beastly aka have lycanthrope both escape lucky woth there new abilities took on new names and new life now private eyes and seek of truth and to expose umbrella monsterous creation with help of chris redfield

The Big bad wolf

Full name
His old name was erased from the records he took on the name "Lupus Salazar"

He took on multiple nickname in his line of work, wolfy, fang, lup, or Sal

Big bad wolf, Fenrir, Beastie

Lupus is around his mid 25 due to him been lycan like virus he is very muscular and hairy like a beast

Male of course

He always like both men, woman and any others in between

Sexual Behavior in bed

His role in village
When ethan winters encounters the wolf man he think hes one of goons that he face at start of the game vut he says hes not he acts like safehouse he gives ethan coffee and or nice meal to heal up and rest or he ask him and he will track down some items ethan need

His powers
Now he has lycanthrope so he has power to that of wolf he has heightened sense, strength, stamima, Speed, Not only that but he can shift his body parts to that of a werewolf and can become full werewolf also hyper regeneration able to fix wounds but steam would cover his area like titan from attack on titan

Lupus is very gentle man always helping others before him but if the morale is that your evil well lets just say your on his shit list he is moral standard of been good not killing unless needing to for his survival he tends to appear at location easy like how he infiltrated lady Demetrius castle without her knowing

He enjoys videogames even though he work so much, he loves cold, investigating truth behind the village, learning more about umbrella corporation history, he loves chris company

Umbrella, hiensburg, Lady Demetrius and her daughters, Lycan beast men, miranda, Getting his limbs ripped off, resorting to his werelupine mode

Dislike Umbrella, hiensburg, Lady Demetrius and her daughters, Lycan beast men, miranda, Getting his limbs ripped off, resorting to his werelupine mode

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His full werewolf form ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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His full werewolf form ⬆️⬆️⬆️

The prototype
As stated in the beginning this person was one who spilled corporate umbrella secerts to news casters was caught as he was caught and Experimentated on became a prototype biomass using bioweapon

Full name
Jason Frostmore

Frost or J

Prototype-B, Alpha and omega, Cold winds, Shapeshifter, Lil bastard


He 23 in human standards but can shift his age due to him controlling biomass

Perfer on is male but has a futa and female forms

Onto his personality
Jason is cold yes but not use to using emotions after his Transformation he forgot his old name the one he used most but he took on name jason cause that what lupus gave him after escaping he was like new born child again not known emotions but he knew things like how old he was, if he still have S*x or not but he didn't know how to feel, pain happiness and rage was all gone from him emptiness remained in his body

His powers
Biomass manipulation
Genetic code absorption
Cloning by spliting his biomass
Weapon creation
Muscle hardening
able to sense other infected people
Inhuman strength, Speed, Agility, stamina
Able to shape his Body to pleasures one he with

His sexual behavior
He is A switch

Cold brew coffee, Hunting down other bioweapons, Someone giving him love, trench coats, old noir flims

Any thing his partner dislikes he is same bout it but HE hates that they brutally killed A baby for what miranda sick resurrection plan he wants to person rip miranda in half!!

DislikesAny thing his partner dislikes he is same bout it but HE hates that they brutally killed A baby for what miranda sick resurrection plan he wants to person rip miranda in half!!

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