Transformer Prime

83 1 1

Designation name


Mecha but she can use a mech part for you know what


None- shes Rouge she use to work for megatron during cybertron war after she help prime but found both faction are flawed sp she ran off never to be seen again by both

Her designated function
She is Spy/Assassin

Her appearance

Alt mode a cybertronian jet let megatron

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Alt mode a cybertronian jet let megatron

Her full appearance
She stands around 6'5 ft she is very detailed femme bot but she looks lkke guy though shes built as her chest is more bulky she looks like shes wearing trench coat she also has a cowboy like hat her eyes are covered in V visor and her lips are cover in black color she also has mouth mask like prime her fingers are clawed like Arachind.

Optic eyes
Purpleish grey

She carries 2 dual Ion revolvers on her hips and energon daggers on her hips that explode when she snaps her fingers

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