~Devils in the details~

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Where's there good, there's always evil, but where there's both there is the middle ground neutral some demons like to be pure evil being chaos but those seeking justice are know as Judges these Judges Search for the most Sinful and punish them along with finding out what sins they carry These Judges also kill other demons so they don't get in there way if judge on earth that means they are there to hunt demons and Souls that escaped hell and coke dragging them back screaming or to tear them apart!

Where's there good, there's always evil, but where there's both there is the middle ground neutral some demons like to be pure evil being chaos but those seeking justice are know as Judges these Judges Search for the most Sinful and punish them al...

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"What are you looking at, Don't mind me...Mortal..."

Full name
Irgath Brimstone Ash

Human name
Ian Nevermore

Since he's a demon, he's Eons old but right now his human disguise is 25


Judge demon

Place of birth
Ring of wrath


His human disguise

"What don't like how I look~"

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"What don't like how I look~"

His outfit
He always wear dress shirt and tie with suspenders and blue dress jeans and black boots

His true demon form
He stands at 8ft tall, his face has no eyes only razor teeth smiled his skin is onyx black he has long grey hair going now to his back he is built like bodybuilder his horns are like ram horns circular his fingers are always sharp in his throat is his eye to use to paralyze his enemies his tail that of lizard king and black like him

Sin detection, dark magic, hellfire user, teleportation, any Weapon summon

Whiskey, woman and men, video games, Anime, training, hunting lost souls, some angels, Lucifer

All other demon and angels, God snobby attitude sometimes, sour food, innocent deaths!

Flirty, very much so chill, gentle, but can be aggressive, smartass, stubborn, lastly Goofy

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