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Blood/period warning.

I was tired, exhausted actually. Travelling around the world will do that to you I guess. I stared out of the hotel window waiting to catch a glimpse of my mates. They went to hunt down another 'witness' for their side. We were now in London, I was so excited to see the place but I hadn't even been allowed to step a foot into the lobby since we had arrived.

Felix stood guard outside my room making me even more annoyed. I wanted to sightsee. My eyes switched from searching the streets to the beautiful big moon, it made me smile. The hotel room door opened, I whipped around to find Caius pulling off his cloak and chucking it aside. Marcus and Aro followed in after.

"Everything okay?" I asked, they seemed frustrated.

"Everything's fine." Caius grunted.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, it's almost midnight Tesoro." Marcus smiled coming over to hug me. I accepted the embrace happily.

"I didn't wanna sleep without you. Actually I don't think I can sleep without you anymore." I said letting out a breathy laugh at just how true the statement was. Marcus kissed my lips gently pulling away before I could deepen it. I pulled away from the hug when Caius and Marcus started a conversation about more witnesses.

I grabbed Aro's hand pulling him in the direction of the bed. Linking my arms around his neck, I kissed him. Something in me just wanted to kiss them, needed it. He smiled against my lips and I knew he'd read my thought.

"So sweet." He whispered. I leaned in again, this time something took over me. I bit his lip pulling on it and letting it go, then pressing my lips to his jaw. Small kisses here and there, until I made it back to his lips. That's when I felt it, the wetness in my underwear, it wasn't the good kind.

I pulled away to see Aro's eyes black, he inhaled and frowned quickly looking over my body.

"I smell blood." He stated catching the attention of my other two mates. I ran into the bathroom quickly and checked hoping it wasn't true. It was.

"Fuck." I pressed my head against the wall. The coldness soothing my temperature.

"Thea? What's happened?" Marcus knocked on the door. I looked around the room to find a box of pads.

"For fuck sake. I guess they'll have to do." I was annoyed they weren't tampons, my preferred choice. But I did what I could.

There was only a small amount of blood on my underwear but my thighs were covered since I had pulled my trousers down. I grabbed a bunch of wet wipes out of the packet on the side and got to work. Soon enough I was clean and had a pad on. I washed my hands wetting my hot forehead with cold water.
I opened the bathroom door to find all three of my mates. They inhaled sharply clearly smelling the blood.

"Umm I need to run to the store and grab something." I said pushing passed them heading for my bag that was on the bed.

"No you're not going out at this time. It's too dark." Caius said sternly.

"I need to. And I wasn't asking permission." I folded my arms ready to argue. The pain was starting and I wasn't in any mood to be told what to do.

"Tesoro what's happened?" Marcus placed his hand on my arm and looked at me with a soft expression.

"I ran out of my pill a week ago, and with all the travelling I forgot to sort out a refill." He frowned looking confused. I noticed the other two had the same look.

"Your medication?" Aro questioned.

"No, the pill. It's a contraceptive pill, woman take it when they wanna have sex and not get pregnant. But you can also take it to stop your period or regulate it." I stated clearly and to the point.

It was starting to really hurt now and I need tampons, chocolate and painkillers to be in the slightest bit comfortable. "Since I'm now off the pill, my period has come back. Literally just now so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go buy the things I need." I grabbed my bag and went to leave but Marcus' hand on my arm stopped me.

"Are you in pain?" He asked seriously.

"Yes and a lot of it so-"

"Tell us what you need and we'll get someone to get it for you while you lay down." Aro interrupted me.

"Fine. But I need to shower before I lay down. But I also can't shower without the supplies. That would just be pointless." I scoffed, the moodiness of basically a year without a period was starting to catch up with me.

"How so?" Caius asked, he seemed genuinely interested.

"Because this stupid hotel only has pads and I need tampons otherwise the blood goes everywhere and it's messy and annoying and I hate it." I quipped wanting this conversation to be over already.

"Make a list of everything you need il mio amore." Aro could see I was getting frustrated and handed me a pad and pen.

I handed the list to Aro who zoomed out the room and back. He told me the list had been handed over and the things will be here as soon as possible. He walked over to me with a curious look. Just before he could grab my hand I pulled it up and placed it on my forehead sighing as it slightly soothed the headache I now had.

"I hate to see you in pain." He mumbled pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.

"A week full of cramps, headaches, mood swings, cravings and more. Tis true joy to be a woman." I said sarcastically. They all chuckled lightly at my statement. A knock at the door had Aro racing to answer it, he opened it to see Chelsea, taking the bag from her.

"Chelsea!" I squealed happy so see a woman in this situation even if she didn't have it anymore. I hugged her tightly.

"How are you feeling T?" She asked, I could hear the sympathy in her voice.

"Like shit." I mumbled making her laugh.

"I know. First few days are always the worst." She cooed receiving a nod from me. I pulled back and smiled at her.

"Get some rest hun." She squeezed my hand and walked away. I turned grabbing the bag from Aro and heading straight to the bathroom and the shower. Sighing at the now clean feeling I did my business and was now more comfortable. I walked out in clean pyjamas, and with towel dried hair. My mates all sat around the bed waiting for me. They seemed more relaxed than they were before.

I walked over to the complementary kettle grabbing it and going back to the bathroom to fill it up. As I waited for the kettle to boil I looked into the bag unpacking it.

Chocolate, empty hot water bottle, painkillers, bottles of water, and,

"Ice cream." I smiled at the pint of Ben and Jerry's. My favourite.

"Let me help." Marcus asked politely.

"Okay, poor that into this." I gestured to the kettle and the hot water bottle. He did as told as I took medicine. Grabbing a spoon from the tray of tea things, I got into bed with my tub of ice cream and Marcus followed behind with the hot bottle. Caius helped me settle under the covers while Aro held my ice cream.

"What do you want me to do with this Tesoro?" I took the hot water bottle from him and placed it over my pelvic area with a small groan, shutting my eyes for a moment.

"Carissima?" I opened them grabbing my ice cream and digging in.

"Are you feeling better cosa dolce?" Marcus kissed my temple.

"Yes. What does that mean?" I questioned scooping up some more ice cream and eating it.

"Sweet thing." Aro answered. He sat and watched me with curious eyes.

"What do you want to know?" I asked him.

"Nothing at all. I'm just getting used to seeing you this way. Your smell, the way you act." I nodded understanding, I doubt they had been around a woman on her period before. After ten minutes all the ice cream was gone and I was not bothered one bit. Full from the delicious treat, I snuggled down laying in the fetal position with the hot water bottle pressed against where I needed it most.

My mates worked around my position, Marcus pressed against my back. My head against Aro's chest. And Caius rubbing my thigh over the sheets. I drifted off happily.

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