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chapter 16

two months went by.

nobody would talk to me at uni because i grew out my hair,

i got tattoos and i became isolated for the most.

i didn't want friends,

taehyung called me on a regular to keep a check on me,

it seemed like he too was worried about me.

everybody was worried about me yet it was suffocating,

because nobody worried about me like you.

but never mind my cliché heart.

because on 17th november, i saw your pink hair,

but there was someone else,

you were kissing a girl in front of a walmart.

it was you, i was sure.

because when you pulled away from her, you gave her that candy smile.

it shattered me again.

i thought the candy smile was only for me.

why would you hurt me park jimin?

and most importantly,

why did you have to see me run away with tears in my eyes and then follow me?


candy smile| jikook auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat