"Jeon jungkook, my alpha. I love you. Even when you're dumb, narcissistic or old I still love you. I will forever be yours, I will always stay by your side no matter what, even when you are a old wrinkly man. I will love you with all my heart. You're mine and I am yours. I will love you till death do us apart." Jimin ended, and crashed his lips on the alpha's even before the priest could tell them to do so. He couldn't wait.

The crowd cheered loudly.

Jungkook caught a hold of Jimin's waist and pulled the omega closer to him, kissing him back with the same passion and love like jimin. It was a soft kiss. It was normal but it felt so different.

Finally jungkook pulled away after one long minute, panting for air. Jimin's lipstick smudged and also got a little on Jungkook's lips. The omega giggled softly. Jungkook admired what he saw. His omega in a wedding suit, a smile painted on his face. It was the most beautiful site.

"I love you." Jungkook pulled the omega closer to him.

"I love you too." Jimin replied back nudging their foreheads together.

And on the side their were two more people crying, jihyun and Jin. Jihyun was crying a little too much, maybe because of his pregnancy hormones. And taehyung was having a hard time comforting the pregnant omega.

Jin leaned on Namjoon. Namjoon protectively wrapped his arms around the omega comforting him through words.

Don't ask how they got together. It's a very long story. In short it was an accidental meeting that led to the both of them falling in love with each other.

Yoongi congratulated the new married couple along with Hoseok when they got down from the altar. Jungkook's mom hugged jimin, pecking the omega's forehead and mr Mr Jeon hugged jimin. Jonghyun congratulated his brother and brother in law with a hug.

"I am so happy. Be happy both of you!" Mrs jeon said with tears in her eyes.

"Son?" Finally she spoke.

"Eomma." Jungkook hugged the lady tightly, jimin joined in. She embraced the both of them lovingly.

"Okay, okay congratulations my children. Always be happy." She kissed Jimin's hand softly and patted Jungkook's head softly.


"Why did you buy a new house? We could have lived in our old one." Jimin said as they both entered the new apartment. Jungkook bought a new apartment cause according to him the old one was small.

"It's good to have a new one. After all we are starting a new life now." Jungkook answered, back hugging the omega, his arms snaking around Jimin's thin waist and his head resting on the omega's shoulder. He breathe in the calming scent of the omega.

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Jungkook guided the both of them to the bed and dropped the omega on the soft mattress softly and hovered over him and nuzzled his face in the omega's neck

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Jungkook guided the both of them to the bed and dropped the omega on the soft mattress softly and hovered over him and nuzzled his face in the omega's neck.

"Can you believe we got married just now?"

"Of course we did." Jungkook replied looking up at the omega.

"I am happy. Very happy!" The omega squealed like a child, giggling loudly making the alpha smile dumbfoundedly at the omega's cuteness.

"I am happy too!" Jungkook replied back smiling along with the omega.

"Oh wait, I forgot to give you your real gift." Suddenly the omega remembered.

"Oh what is it? To be honest the real gift for me is that you're not quitting. I could finally stop you from leaving, secretary jeon." Jungkook said smirking at the omega who just smiled shaking his head.

"But this gift is something else."

"Hmm... sounds interesting. So what is it?" The alpha asked with expectant eyes staring up at the omega in curiosity.

"I am pregnant."

The end


It was a long journey but I enjoyed it. I hope y'all did too. This story has finally come to an end, and if you're wondering, there will be no sequel to this story. I will definitely write some extra parts of this story where I will show a bit more of the pregnancy thing.

Anyways this is the end. Thank you for sticking to this story till the end. I will miss y'all. Go and check out my new story "DAREDEVIL" if you want.

Bye! Let's meet again. I love y'all!💜💜

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