Chapter 22

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Black Beards ship arrived to River Port not long after San and the crew did. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were still tied to the mast, their arms aching and sore from being tied in the same position for three days. Both males were also hungry, exhausted, and dehydrated Black Beard only allowing them a few sips a day to keep them somewhat alive. Black Beard had docked his ship the pirate taking some of his crew into town with him to handle some business. Apparently this wasn't the place where he was planning on handing Hongjoong and Seonghwa over. Hongjoong glanced over at Seonghwa the male swallowing trying to get his dry throat a little wet before speaking, "how long do you think it'll take them to save us?" Hongjoong asked his voice raspy. Seonghwa turned to him, the male looked exhausted, "I hope soon, because once Black Beard leaves they'll have no way of finding us" he responded, his voice just as raspy. Hongjoong chuckled dryly, "how did we end up like this?" he leaned his head against the mast. Seonghwa chuckled back, "it's embarrassing isn't it, we're one of the most feared pirate crew, and here we are tied to some old ass mans mast" Seonghwa leaned his head back as well.

"Sorry about the ship, I know it meant a lot to you" Seonghwa apologized all of a sudden. Hongjoong shook his head, "honestly I can always get another ship, but I can never get another crew like the one I have now, as long as I have them any ship becomes a home again" Hongjoong admitted. Seonghwa chuckled, "you get so sappy when you're life is in danger" the taller male teased. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, "watch it, I am still you're captain" Hongjoong teased back. Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong, "I am sorry for how things ended between us, but you still mean so much to me" the male's eyes held sincerity. Hongjoong looked back at Seonghwa, the captains eyes full of love he will always have for the taller male, "No need to apologize, I will always love you, but I can see that you and San were meant to be. I am just glad I got to experience being yours, because I know San will be in good hands" Hongjoong spoke softly. "Thank you Hongjoong" Seonghwa thanked the male, Hongjoong just smiled before their attention was taken away by two pirates approaching them. "Drink" they said, holding out two laddles filled with water. Seonghwa and Hongjoong kook long sips from them, savoring each drop.

The next morning had arrived and Mingi was returning back to the inn making his way inside the room everyone was gathered in taking a seat in a chair. "So? Is he here?" Yeosang asked the taller male. Mingi nodded, "yup, apparently he's only staying for two days so we gotta move tonight" Mingi informed them. "What about Hongjoong and Seonghwa? Did you see them or hear anything about what he plans to do with them?" Wooyoung was the next to ask. Mingi shook his head, "I didn't see them, but I did hear that Black Beard isn't giving them away here, he's selling them at a different location but I wasn't able to catch where" Mingi answered. Wooyoung sighed running his fingers through his hair, "that means we really have to save them tonight" he muttered. "That's fine, we'll continue with the plan" Yeosang said.

"We'll wait till it gets dark, Black Beard loves to drink so we will use that chance to drug him. Once he and whatever crew members are with him pass out, we'll strip them of their clothes and weapons and slip them on and sneak onto the ship. We'll dispatch of the rest of his crew and save captain and Seonghwa" Yeosang began explaining the plan over again as everyone listened. "Mingi you and Jongo are in charge of sinking the ship once we save them, we need to ensure that we set Black Beard back a few steps in order to escape" Yeosang spoke towards the two males who nodded. "Wooyoung, you will help me knock out Black Beard and his crew" Wooyoung nodded before Yeosang turned to Yunho and San. "You two will be in charge of getting Hongjoong and Seonghwa to the ship and setting it to sail, the rest of us will use a row boat to meet up with you guys" Yeosang told them. Yeosang turned to only San, "were you able to secure us a boat?" he asked the mermaid. San nodded, "I was able to sell come of my scales to buy us a boat" the male informed them. San had came up with the idea early in the day, he had sat in the bath tub and took of his necklace in order to grow his tail out and he carefully removed some scales from his tail. It wasn't particularly painful and the scales will grow back eventually, plus if it was to get Seonghwa and Hongjoong back he didn't care. Yeosang nodded, "good, we still have a few hours till evening sets, so let's focus on stocking up the ship and making a good escape route" Yeosang said, everyone nodded as they began talking amongst themselves.

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