Chapter 19

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About three weeks have passed since everything that has happened. San and Yeosang were still friends, the two realizing that they were much better off as friends anyways. Hongjoong and Seonghwa were still a bit awkward, but the two were still a powerful duo when it came to managing the ship. Everyone was also quite shocked at the revelation that Seonghwa and San were childhood friends who had miraculously been reunited. "Wow that's such a crazy story" Wooyoung said at dinner one day when San and Seonghwa decided to tell the crew. "I had a feeling, with the way you two were being all weird around each other when San first joined" Yunho said. "I think it's quiet romantic, two souls pulled apart but brought together as one, poetic" Mingi said wiping a fake tear away from his face. Jongho rolled his eyes, "Mingi you are in the wrong profession, you should be in the theatre and not a pirate with how dramatic you are" he teased. Mingi scoffed, rolling his eyes, "maybe I will be in the future" he said a small pout on his face.

San and Seonghwa had grown closer as well. San rarely slept in his room these days, the mermaid was always in Seonghwa's bed being held in the blondes arms. Seonghwa was also spending more time with San when the male had some free time. San had even started to teach Seonghwa how to sew although the blonde wasn't the best at it, the constant bleeding fingertips from being poked by the needle was proof. Currently San was sitting on the deck with Wooyoung, the boys peeling apples of an apple pie Wooyoung was planning on making for dinner that night. San looked up seeing Hongjoong was at the wheel, his gaze focused on the sea above. Seonghwa was busy doing some weapons inventory with Jongho and Mingi so he was below deck. As they peeled the apples, tossing the peels into a empty crate San decided to start up a conversation. "So what exactly is Hongjoong looking for?" the raven haired male asked, grabbing a new apple to peel. "Oh yeah, I guess we should've told you what our journey is for" Wooyoung said, cutting an apple in half and handing half to San.

San tool the piece, setting down the apple he was peeling, taking a bite of the fruit. "Hongjoong is looking for an item known as the mermaids pearl" Wooyoung started off. San choked on the piece of apple he was chewing, coughing as Wooyoung hit his back, handing him some water. "Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked a bit worried.

San nodded taking a sip of the water, clearing his throat, "Yeah, just a piece of apple went the wrong way" San lied, "anyways what is the mermaids pearl?" San asked curiously. Wooyoung took a bite of his apple, "basically it's a magic pearl that is supposed to grant any wish of the person who is holding it. Apparently it belonged to the first mermaid to ever exist, it was a gift from her lover who was a human. She wore it around her neck as a necklace so it was always with her. One day her human fell ill, and was going to die. This broke the mermaid's heart, she couldn't bare living without her beloved. So one day she made a wish to the moon to heal her lover, no matter what. The moon granted her wish but not without a price. In order to bring her lover back to life, the human had to forget about her existence. The mermaid agreed, even though her human no longer loved her and fell for another human woman. The mermaid continued to love him until she died. The moon was so moved by the mermaids selfless wish that it infused it's powers with the pearl that was once a gift from her lover. Now whenever anyone comes into possession and makes a wish it will be granted, although if the wish is selfish the person making the wish will suffer great consequences, but if the wish is selfless then the wish will come true without any backfires" Wooyoung finished explaining.

Of course this story wasn't new to San, it was a fairy tale of his people, something he has heard countless times as a child. He was actually quite surprised at how accurate the humans got the story. "So, Hongjoong as a wish he wants to make?" San asked, glancing at their captain. Wooyoung nodded, "yup, although none of us know what it is, not even Seonghwa, but we all assume whatever the wish is, it must mean a lot to him." Wooyoung glanced over at his captain. "Our next location was given to us from that acquaintance captain met with back in Port Moore, apparently someone has the map that will lead to the location of the pearl" Wooyoung explained, stuffing the rest of the apple in his mouth , going back to peeling apples. San did the same, his eyes going back to Hongjoong. He never expected Hongjoong to believe in such a fairy tale, but San couldn't judge, a part of him believed in the fairy tale too.

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