Chapter 8

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Just as fast it came summer was gone in a flash as well and once again it was fall. Seonghwa's dad had left once again to travel the world looking for interesting things to collect and sell. The now seventeen year old was used to this routine knowing that his dad would be back in time for summer. Seonghwa had come back from school, his homework completed, so he was at his usual spot outside on the shore while his mom was preparing dinner. San and Seonghwa were playing a board game, well it was more like Seonghwa spending most of his time teaching San the game, while San just plays the game how he wants because the rules were too hard to remember. "I win again!" San teased, sticking his tongue out at Seonghwa, the human rolling his eyes. This was the third time San had 'won' and it really was just Seonghwa letting the mermaid do what he wants because he'd rather see him happy than pouty and sulky because the mermaid is a bit of a sore loser.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "let's stop playing, we've played three times already" he started picking up the game to put away. San pouted, "you just don't wanna lose again" he mumbled as he watched Seonghwa put the game away. "It's not that I don't wanna lose, it's just getting late Sannie" Seonghwa told the mermaid as he placed the game into the box closing in turning towards San. "Come here" he mumbled, pulling San further up on the shore, placing him in between his legs while the mermaid's back came in contact with his chest, Seonghwa not caring that the mermaid was getting his clothes soaked. San flicked his tail in the water, his eyes looking up at the sunset. Seonghwa rested his chin on the mermaid's head looking at the sunset too, his hand with his friendship bracelet holding onto San's hand, their bracelets side by side with each other. It was moments like these that Seonghwa enjoyed the most recently, just holding San as the two of them sat in silence watching the sun go down. As the sun set shining it's last few rays over the water before the moon began to rise, Seonghwa's attention was brought towards his mom who was calling for him, her voice sounding desperate. Seonghwa turned his attention to San, the mermaid blinking in his arms sleepily. "I gotta go inside now, see you tomorrow" Seonghwa spoke softly as he slowly got up. San nodded rubbing his eyes, "see you tomorrow" he smiled waving bye. Seonghwa waved bye as well before going inside the house to see what his mother wanted.

The next day when San came to the shore around the time Seonghwa was supposed to come home from school, he didn't see the human. San thought Seonghwa might have extra homework to do, so he dived back into the water heading back to his cave. When San came back an hour later there was still no sign of Seonghwa, San climbed onto the shore looking at the backdoor waiting for the familiar raven haired teen to come out with a smile on his face but he never did. San stayed on the shore until the sun set, his expression turning from excited to sad as he slipped back in the water swimming back to his cave to sleep for the night. The next day Seonghwa didn't come outside either, and San ended up going home disappointed once again. The third day of not seeing Seonghwa San was becoming worried, he was starting to grow anxious remembering what happened to him when he didn't come to see Seonghwa for a few days when his pod was taken from him. The mermaid was worried that something similar had happened to Seonghwa and it made the teen want to check on Seonghwa even more. It wasn't until the fourth day that San saw Seonghwa the teen sitting on the beach staring out into the vast waters.

When San popped his head up, a small sigh of relief left his lips to see that Seonghwa was okay. San swam closer to the shore pulling himself onto the sand a bit, "Seonghwa! I was worried about you when I didn't see you for three days" San's voice showed his relief. Seonghwa looked at San, he looked tired and his eyes seemed puffy and red as if he was crying. San gulped getting closer to Seonghwa, "are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft. Seonghwa bit his bottom lip looking down, as tears fell down his cheeks, he didn't even think he could cry anymore having cried for three days straight but he guessed he was wrong. San's heart clenched at Seonghwa's tears, the mermaid hasn't seen him cry since the day he told him about his pod being gone. "Hwa? Please talk to me" San spoke again, his voice wavering a bit, he used one hand to cup Seonghwa's face, his thumb wiping away the teens tears. Seonghwa looked up at San not even realizing that he was leaning into the mermaid's cold touch.

Seonghwa took a deep breath trying to calm himself down enough to speak. "My dad he's...he's dead San" Seonghwa struggled to get out, his breathing increasing as a stream of fresh tears fell down his face. San's heart broke, "oh Hwa..." he breathed out as his own tears began falling down his face. San pulled Seonghwa into a tight hug, the human burying his face in the mermaids shoulder as he gripped San's waist as he let out a string of heartbroken sobs. San closed his eyes crying silently too, he understood Seonghwa's pain and he knew how much his friend loved his father. San ran his fingers through Seonghwa's hair, his long nails scratching the teens scalp in a calming way as he continued to cry. For a while they just remind silent, San shifting them to where they are laying down in the sand, Seonghwa's face in San's chest as San held Seonghwa close still running his fingers through his hair. Once Seonghwa calmed down did San decide to speak, "How did did it happen?" he asked looking down at Seonghwa, his heart clenching at how broken and vulnerable his friend looked.

Seonghwa sniffled, "A dad's ship got caught inside and it sunk their boat...he drowned" Seonghwa bit his inner cheek to keep him from crying again. San pulled Seonghwa into his chest again, "I am so sorry Hwa...I know how much you loved him" he whispered into the teens black hair. Seonghwa just held San tighter as he took deep breaths. "But remember, as long as we are best friends you don't have to go through this alone" San smiled softly as he looked at Seonghwa, but frowned when he saw a set of fresh tears falling down the teens face. San wiped them away, "what?" he asked, he could tell that Seonghwa was thinking about something. Seonghwa couldn't help but feel guilty after what San said, his mom's words echoing in his head. "We're mom and I" Seonghwa spoke hesitantly. At Seonghwa's words, San stiffened his thumb frozen on Seonghwa's cheek where he was wiping away the teens tears.

"W-What do you mean you're moving?" San asked his voice coming out shaky. Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "my mom thought it would be best for us if we had a change of scenery. She's going to sell the house and use the money from that and whatever our dad left us to start a bakery back in her hometown...we're gonna live with my grandparents" Seonghwa explained sitting up slowly, turning his body towards the water pulling his knees to his chest. San turned onto his stomach looking at Seonghwa, the mermaid swallowed, "When do you leave?" he asked his heart racing as he awaited the answer. "Next week..." Seonghwa spoke not looking at San. San shook his head not wanting to believe anything the human was saying, "No. NO! You can' can't leave me you promised! You promised you wouldn't leave me alone!" San shouted as more tears stream down his face. Not once did he think Seonghwa would leave him, not once did he think he would be alone. The thought terrified him, San's breath began speeding up as his vision got blurry as he cried even more.

Seonghwa pulled San into him, rubbing soothing circles on the mermaids back, "Shhhh Sannie, it's're okay" Seonghwa's voice was soft and soothing, the mermaid calming down a bit. Seonghwa cupped San's cheeks the pads of his thumbs wiping away the mermaids salty tears as he looked at Seonghwa with the most broken expression. Seonghwa's own eyes began to fill with tears again, "I don't want to leave you, I don't...but it's what my mom wants" Seonghwa spoke softly. San shook his head as more tears continued to fall, "but...we're best friends, and best friends will always be together" San said brokingly. Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "no matter what, I won't forget about you...and if I can I will come back and visit you...I promise" he spoke his own voice shaky. San sniffled his eyes locking with Seonghwa's, "I am just scared...I don't wanna be alone Hwa...I don't" San finally admitted. Seonghwa shook his head, "I am so sorry San" he apologized before leaning forward placing his lips on top of San's. San melted into the kiss closing his eyes as more tears rolled down his cheeks, his heart breaking. Seonghwa's own tears began to flow freely as he kissed San his heart clenching in his chest painfully. They both knew that this was more than just their first kiss, it was also their last. A painful goodbye kiss, that neither of them wanted to break because once they did everything for them would change. 

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