Chapter 20

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As black beard ship sailed away, Hongjoong and his crew were silent as they watched the last bit of their ship sink underwater. Their attention was taken away by the sound of boots approaching them, the pirates around them silencing as their captain approached. Everyone turned to look at the man that stood before them. Captain Black Beard, a pirate feared by many and loved by few. He was a much older pirate, scars along his face and arms that are proof to no matter what he always comes out on top. Black Beard chuckled as he looked down at the pirate crew of the S.S. Horizon. "Well, well, never would I have thought the day would come where I am face to face with the infamous captain Hongjoong" Black Beard spoke as he kneeled down in front of Hongjoong. Hongjoong glared at him, "fuck you" he said spitting in the mans face.

Black Beard whipped the spit off his face clenching his jaw as he stood up. Black Beard walked around the mast to look at the rest of the crew, his eyebrow raising when he saw San. "This one is new to your crew" he said, kneeling down to look at San closer. Black Beard reached out to touch San's face Seonghwa did his best to shield San away from him. "Don't put your filthy fucking hands on him" his voice was laced with Venom. Black Beard hummed, "interesting" he muttered as he stood up going back to Hongjoong. "What the fuck do you want with us anyways?" Wooyoung asked this time, the male shooting daggers at the pirate captain. Black Beard smiled, his yellow teeth on full display, "I heard from a little birdy that you were looking for the map that will lead to the mermaids pearl and you found it" the older pirate started, "I can't have you getting your hands on that now can I?" he chuckled.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, "you attack my crew and sink my fucking ship all for a a fucking pearl to gran your stupid ass wish? If you didn't want me getting the map then you should've beat me to the location" Hongjoong was pissed off, he tugged at his restraints wanting to get out of them so he could kill Black Beard. Black Beard just chuckled, "that's not the only reason, you have a big bounty on your head you know. Many people want you alive so they can kill you themselves, you and your quartermaster, let's say taking your crew aboard my ship is just an extra incentive" he said glancing at Hongjoong's crew mates. "Of course, only you and Seonghwa have bounties, I am going to feed everyone to the sharks, then make my way to pick up my map" Black Beard finished explaining.

He snapped his fingers and two of his crew members made their way towards Yunho. They cut the rope that had him bound to the mast forcing him to stand up. "I'll start with him first" Black Beard made a hand motion and his crew members began pulling Yunho towards the edge of the ship. Yunho struggled against them, the male trying to break free from their grasp as they brought him closer to the edge of the ship. "NO!!! YUNHO!!! PLEASE TAKE ME, TAKE ME FIRST!!!" Mingi shouted, pulling against his restraints the rope that bound his hands digging into his skin a bit. Black Beard just laughed, "Don't worry pretty boy, you will meet him at the bottom of the ocean soon enough" he snapped his fingers, and two more pirates grabbed Mingi next. Wooyoung and Yeosang struggled against their restraints, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD I"LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Yeosang shouted.

As Seonghwa watched Yunho and Mingi getting lead to the edge of the ship an idea popped into Seonghwa's head and he turned to San. "San...listen to me" Seonghwa whispered so only the mermaid could hear him. San looked at Seonghwa, the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Tell them you will go first, tell them you will get thrown off the ship first" he told San. Sans eye's widened, "what why?" he asked not understanding what Seonghwa was telling him. "Once you are in the water turn back into your mermaid form. Save the rest of the crew once they are thrown into the water...figure out a way to steal one of the row boats and sneak away" Seonghwa explained his plan, it was the only way he could guarantee San's safety as well as the rest of his crew. "What about you and Hongjoong?" San asked, his voice shaking with worry. "They won't kill us, remember they are going to keep ups alive for the bounty, he's going to River Port, meet us there" Seonghwa whispered.

San bit the inside of his cheek, he didn't want to leave Seonghwa and Hongjoong, but if it meant he could save the rest of his friends then he would have too. "I promise to save you" he whispered giving Seonghwa a quick kiss before screaming, "NO!!!! TAKE ME!!! I'LL GO FIRST, I'LL GO FIRST PLEASE!!!" San thrashed against his restraints as he screamed. Black Beard snapped his finger, "Wait" he instructed his crew members, the males stopping from throwing Yunho and Mingi overboard. Black Beard turned to San walking closer to him, "this one volunteers to be the first to die, how kind of him" he chuckled, "why don't we be nice and make his wish happen" the pirate said as he stepped back while a crew member grabs San forcing him to stand up. San allowed the man to drag him to the edge of his ship, the sounds of his crew members screams filling his ears as he made his way to the edge. "Have a nice trip down" the crewmate chuckled as he pushed San overboard. The male splashing into the ocean.

Once San made contact with the water he held his breath as he used his legs to swim to the ship. He saw that there were some barnacles on the bottom, so he turned around rubbing his hands that were still tied against the sharp edges. San had to work fast, he couldn't hold his breath for too long, and he had to transform before the rest of his crew members hit the water. Soon the rope loosened and San was able to break free, the male taking the necklace off. San could feel the transformation start, his gills formed allowing San to finally breathe, his pants were ripped the material sinking to the bottom as his legs fused into his tail, his razor sharp teeth and claws returned, his hair turned back to it's natural pink color, and finally his eyes were their familiar gold with their specks of pink. Hearing a crash San swam to the sound, Yunho was tossed into the water the male struggling to try and swim to the surface. San grabbed him quickly untying his hands as they both swam to the surface.

Once they breached the water Yunho gasped for air before turning to San, "San?? You''re a..." Yunho stuttered from shock. "A mermaid, surprise" San said waving his hands in the air. "How...when...what" Yunho couldn't get his thoughts together, one of his crew mates, his friend was a fucking mermaid. Before San could answer another splash was heard, both males turned around and dived under the water. It was Mingi the male holding his breath as he tried to break free from his restraints. San and Yunho rushed over to them, San untying the males hands while Yunho brought him to the surface for air. "San you're a mermaid?" he asked looking at the pink haired male. San smiled sheepishly, "i'll explain later, but right now we need to figure out how to get one of the row boats" he explained. Mingi and Yunho looked at each other, "leave it to us, you focus on saving the others" Yunho said as he and Mingi swam closer to the ship. This time three bodies were pushed over the edge, each splashing in different areas. San wasted no time diving underwater and going to the first person he saw, which was Yeosang.

San rushed over to him, quickly untying the males hands pushing him to the surface before moving on to Jongho who was shaking his head signaling to Wooyoung. San looked over and saw that Wooyoung was unconscious as he began sinking to the bottom. San nodded, swimming over to Wooyoung untying the males hands bringing him to the surface. As he came up, Yeosang and Jongho came up as well. San held Wooyoung close the males head resting on his shoulders, by now Black Beards ship was far away from them, San being able to see it in the distance. "Over here!!" Mingi shouted as he rowed the boat towards his friends. "Take Wooyoung" San said, holding Wooyoung up to Yunho who dragged him onto the boat. San helped the rest of his crew into the boat. "Wait here" he said, diving under the water going to the bottom of the ocean.

San looked around the ocean floor until he spotted what he was looking for, his necklace. He grabbed it swimming back to the surface. "Can someone hold this?" he asked, holding up the necklace. Yeosang took it slipping it in his pocket, "So when were you gonna tell us you are a mermaid?" he asked, raising his eyebrow as he pushed his wet hair out his face. "I promise I will explain later, but right now we have to to save Seonghwa and Hongjoong" San said looking up at everyone. "How are we going to do that?" Jongho asked, "they outnumber us and already captured us once" he reminded the mermaid. San huffed, "I know that...but they are taking them to River Port, maybe we can figure out where exactly they are bringing them and break them out" San said, he wasn't fully sure on how they would save Hongjoong and Seonghwa but he knew they had to try. "Once we get to land we can make a better plan" Yeosang said grabbing one of the oars.Everyone nodded as they settled into the row boat, San going behind it, "i'll push from behind to make us go faster" he said as he placed his hands on the boat splashing his tail behind them as the six males made their way to River Port to save their friends. 

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