Chapter 15

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It was taking everything in Seonghwa to not lose his shit. The blonde was currently standing in the lobby of the Seashore Inn pinching the bridge of his nose as Hongjoong listened to Mingi, the male just as irritated. "What do you mean you lost San?" Hongjoong asked his arms crossed as he stared at his tall crew member, the rest of the crew gathered around quietly watching. When Mingi had showed up at the inn without San everyone started to worry, and when Mingi said the words 'lost' and 'can't find him' in the same sentence the worries grew. Mingi scratched the back of his head, the guilt eating him a bit, "I don't know what happened, he just freaked and ran off, I tried calling after him but he didn't stop. I lost him in the crowd" Mingi explained once again to Hongjoong. Hongjoong raised his eyebrow, "so he freaked out just to freak out?" he questioned. Mingi sighed, "We went to go look at something this pirate was selling, when he saw what was on the table he freaked out and ran" Mingi explained in slightly better detail.

"What did he see Mingi?" Seonghwa was the one to ask this time. His mind was racing with concerns for San, the second he saw Mingi come back without him Seonghwa began thinking about the worst possible outcomes. "Honestly it was kinda gruesome, he was selling mermaid tails and eyes" Mingi said. Seonghwa could have sworn his heart stopped, he swallowed his voice feeling as if it was sucked out of him. "Mermaids? I wonder why that made San freak out" Yunho said trying to figure out what exactly made San freak. "I mean if i saw severed mermaid tails and a jar of eyeballs i'd freak out too" Yeosang said. Seonghwa shook himself out of his trance making his way to the exit. "Where are you going?" Mingi asked as he watched Seonghwa walk to the door. Seonghwa looked back at his crew mates, "San is out there scared while we are standing around wasting time, and it is going to get dark so, so I am going to go find him" his tone was serious and his facial expression matching.

Seonghwa rushed out of the inn, running down the street he had no idea where to look first but he just knew that he had to find San. "Seonghwa!!! Wait!!" Yeosang's voice called out as he caught up to Seonghwa. Seonghwa didn't slow down, "What is it?" he asked Yeosang glancing at the brunette. "I came to help you look for San, we'll cover more ground if it's two of us and you're right it will get dark soon so we need to find him quick" Yeosang said, panting a bit since he had to run to catch up to Seonghwa. Seonghwa didn't respond just nodding as the two now continued to run around in search for San. The two males had searched all over the place, asking various people if they had seen someone that looked like San, but of course nobody was any help. Eventually Yeosang decided that they should split up, Seonghwa continuing in the direction he was going while Yeosang went in the opposite way. Soon Seonghwa came to a more empty part of the town. The sun had started to set the sky painted a soft pink and purple color. Seonghwa looked around the area, "San please, where are you" he mumbled to himself.

When Seonghwa heard a faint sniffle he looked around everywhere thinking he was hearing things. When he heard the sniffle again Seonghwa followed the sound to an alleyway, carefully walking down it. When the sniffles got louder Seonghwa began looking around until his eyes landed on San's scared form. "San" Seonghwa breathed a sigh of relief as he crouched down in front of the male. When San heard his name get called he looked up sniffling, his eyes were red and puffy and he was shaking, "Hwa..." San cried out. Seonghwa pulled San into his arms holding him close, "I'm here, it's okay Sannie im here" he spoke softly. San wrapped his arms around Seonghwa, gripping the males shirt tight as fresh tears began to fall. "I saw...I saw" he stuttered as his breath began to quicken again. Seonghwa pulled San closer, running his fingers through the males hair, "Shhh, I know Mingi told us what happened" he whispered. San looked up at Seonghwa, his eyes glistening with tears, "what if that's what happened to my pod...what if...what if" he began, Seonghwa shaking his head. "I don't know what happened to them San, but let's not think about it okay" he spoke softly. Seonghwa's heart was hurting, he hasn't seen San look this broken since he was twelve.

San sniffled, burying his face into Seonghwa's chest. He was glad that Seonghwa was the one to find him, the mermaid wanting the comfort of the blonde. "Let's get back to the inn okay, everyone is worried about you" Seonghwa said as he slowly stood up. San slowly stood up with him wiping his face, "sorry for making everyone worry and running away...I just couldn't handle seeing that, guess I am still a weak helpless mermaid" he chuckled bitterly. Seonghwa shook his head, "you have no reason to apologize San. What you saw triggered bad memories for you, don't apologize for that, I am just glad you are safe" he said, slipping his hand into San's to comfort him. San smiled softly, "thanks for coming to find me" he spoke softly. Seonghwa smiled back, "of course, despite how much of an asshole I have been to you these past two weeks, I care about you San" Seonghwa looked at San his expression serious. That sentence made San happy, he hugged Seonghwa tightly the blonde hugging him back. "Come one we gotta be back before dark" he chuckled softly, the two of them making their way back to the inn.

Once they got to the inn everyone crowded around San hugging him and telling him that they were glad he was safe. Mingi even apologizes for not being able to find him earlier, San dismissing it saying that it wasn't Mingi's fault. Due to the days events and since San was feeling exhausted and drained, Hongjoong dismissed everyone. Seonghwa wanted to check up on San in his room to make sure the male was okay, but Hongjoong had to discuss some things with him about the meeting they had earlier with the young captains acquaintance so Seonghwa didn't get the chance to talk to San more privately. San shared his room with Yeosang, the brunette just getting out the shower, his hair still dripping wet. San was snuggled up in his bed, the blanket coming under his nose as he stared off into space not focusing on anything in particular. San was brought out of his thoughts by the feeling of his bed deeping indicating Yeosang had sat down on it.

"Are you okay?" Yeosang's deep voice rang through the room as he looked at San with concern written all over his face. San nodded softly, "I will be" he muttered. Yeosang nodded, "do you want to talk about why seeing that freaked you out?" he asked carefully not wanting to make San upset. San shook his head softly, "I don't want to talk about's something that I have been blocking out for years now" San answered. Even though San and Yeosang had become close, San still didn't want to tell any of his crewmates his secret. He was hesitant in how they would react, plus he believed the less people who knew about him being a mermaid the easier it would be to keep his secret and protect himself. Yeosang nodded slowly, "I understand, but can I ask you something?" the question had been eating away at his mind ever since he saw Seonghwa return with San, the blonde holding onto San's hand as San clung to him like he was his lifeline. San nodded unsure of what Yeosang was going to ask him. "Does Seonghwa know? Does he know about the reason you panicked?" Yeosang knew he had no business to know, but he has been observing San and Seonghwa interactions. He could tell that there was something going on with them, but he had yet to pinpoint what.

San stiffened a bit at Yeosang's question, the reaction not going unnoticed by the brunette. "No it's fine, it's not my place to know anyways, sorry for being nosy" Yeosang said a small chuckle leaving his lips. "Things between me and Seonghwa are...difficult, I promise to tell you everything when I am ready" San spoke, feeling a bit guilty about having to keep many things from Yeosang and the rest of his crewmates. Yeosang nodded, "i'm just glad you're okay" he smiled softly at San before standing up and going over to his bed. San watched as Yeosang crawled into bed getting under the covers, "good night San" Yeosang spoke softly as he turned off the lights in the room getting covered in darkness. "Good night Yeosang" San spoke back as he snuggled deeper into the covers, pushing today's memories to the back of his mind as he slowly succumbed to exhaustion. 

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