Chapter 18

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Seonghwa was in Hongjoong's office, the shorter male having called him to talk. Seonghwa was nervous, the past couple of days have had him anxious. Hongjoong was leaning against the large window that brought natural light into the room. His arms were crossed as he stared at Seonghwa, the blonde obviously anxious as to what was to come. "These past few days I have been thinking...and I think you deserve to be with San" Hongjoong finally said. Seonghwa's heart sunk, he didn't want to believe what Hongjoong was telling him. "Hongjoong...are you saying, are we breaking up?" he asked his voice shaking as he took a step forward to the pirate captain. Hongjoong was trying his best to be strong, but it was hard when he was letting the person he loved go, "when I asked you if the chance arose for you to be with San would you take it, and you didn't answer it was all I needed. Seonghwa you never got the chance to experience being in love with him...I got that chance and it was amazing, but I know your feelings for San never left, they were just buried and seeing him again has made them resurface" Hongjoong explained calmly, his eyes never leaving Seonghwa has the male walked towards him.

Seonghwa shook his head, taking Hongjoong's hands in his, "Hongjoong, baby I want to be with you, please let's just talk about this" his voice was desperate as his eyes shone with fresh tears. Hongjoong smiled sadly, tears falling down as he looked at the man before him, "I know you love me Seonghwa, I will never ever doubt that, but I also know your love for San goes so much deeper." he took a deep breathe as more tears fell down his face, his eyes going to the bracelet on Seonghwa's wrist, "you already made your decision, you're wearing the bracelet because you know yourself you want to be with San. I love you enough to know that you will be happier with someone else" Hongjoong smiled, although it didn't reach his eyes. More tears fell from Seonghwa's eyes, his heart was hurting. He knew Hongjoong was write, but he hated seeing him cry. Hongjoong chuckled, "hey now, just because we aren't dating doesn't mean I no longer want you by my side as my co captain" Hongjoong said his voice a bit playful. Seonghwa chuckled humorlessly, "I love you..." he said softly, pulling Hongjoong into a kiss. Both males knew this kiss was different from the ones they always shared, this kiss was a goodbye kiss.

Tears streamed down both males faces as they kissed, Seonghwa holding Hongjoong's face, Hongjoong clinging to Seonghwa's shirt. For Hongjoong this was painful, his heart ached as he enjoyed Seonghwa's lips on his for the last time. For Seonghwa, this goodbye kiss was much different from the one he gave San the day he left. It was painful, and his heart did ache, but Seonghwa knew he wasn't leaving Hongjoong, Seonghwa knew that his and Hongjoong's relationship will be okay, he wasn't losing him. That is why once they pulled away Seonghwa had wiped his tears away giving Hongjoong a soft smile. "Go talk to him" Hongjoong said wiping his tears as he watched Seonghwa leave, a long shaky sigh leaving his lips once the door closed.

Seonghwa walked to the deck looking around for San, the mermaid doing the same. When San saw Seonghwa he walked over to him, his steps hesitant as the two males stood face to face. "Can we talk?" Seonghwa asked him, raising an eyebrow. San nodded, "yeah, let's go to my room" he spoke softly, leading Seonghwa to his room. San sat on his bed as Seonghwa looked around the males room. When his eyes caught the figurine on his shelf he looked at San, "you kept it?" he asked his voice soft as he ran his finger over the figures.San nodded, "of course, it's the gift that I cherish the most" he told San. "Come sit" the mermaid spoke patting the space next to him. Seonghwa sat in the space, both men just sitting in silence nothing but the sound of waves and seagulls filling the air. Seonghwa was the first to speak, "Hongjoong broke up with me" he looked at San. San looked at Seonghwa, "Hwa, I am sorry, it seems like ever since I joined the crew all I have done is cause you stress and bad luck" the male started the guilt starting to eat at him again.

Seonghwa shook his head, cupping San's face without a second thought. San leaning into Seonghwa's touch as he looked at him. "None of this is your fault, we both didn't get a chance to tell each other how we felt, we both tried to suppress those feelings but no matter how hard we tried we seem to be drawn to each other" Seonghwa spoke softly, his eyes staring into San's. San placed his hands on top of Seonghwa's. Seonghwa took a deep breath, "I love you San, and I have for a while. You're my best friend, you made days worth it, and you helped me grow as a person. I am sorry for hurting you, I am sorry for making you cry, and I am so sorry for making you think I had ever stopped caring about you" Seonghwa was opening his heart to San. the blonde's words causing San to tear up, "Hwa...I love you too, and my regret was not telling you before you left. I thought I could move on from you, I thought I could just make you a painful memory but I can't. You're my world, you're the reason that I am still here, and...I want to be with you so much it hurts" San confessed as tears streamed down his face. Seonghwa also had some tears forming the male chuckling, "I've cried so much already fuck" he spoke softly.

"I understand if you need time before jumping into a relationship. I can wait for you to heal, but at least promise me you will be the best friend I had all those years ago?" San spoke a soft smile on his face. Seonghwa nodded, "I promise Sannie" he whispered pulling San into a kiss. San kissed back, closing his eyes as he deepened the kiss. This time the kiss wasn't a painful goodbye, this kiss was a promise, a promise for the future.

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