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Dot and I decided to sleep woven together on the sofa as the children took the big double bed. It was small and I was definitely crushed but every moment was incredible.

When I woke I found Dot sleeping on my chest along with Maddy, Chris had cosied himself onto the side clinging to my arm to stay on the sofa. I honestly don't know how we all fitted as we did but it worked.

"Dot baby." I call out as I shower whilst Dot brushes her hair in the bathroom, we introduced Chris and Maddy to the wonders of tv and they are yet to move their eyes from the screen.

"Yeah Caine?" She replies, moving directly next to the steamed up shower screen so she can hear me better.

"We should take the kids out for a bit today before our plane this evening."

"Hmm..." she hums in agreement whilst also thinking of whatever is going round her head. "Can I take Chris, we need to talk about everything."

"Sounds good, I'll watch Maddy."

Honestly, I had hoped Doretha herself would suggest this idea and I'm so glad she did. Her and her son need to bond and create a relationship but more than that we need to know what happened in the institution, both to Chris and to Maddy.

Turning the shower off, I stand on the towel and shake my wet hair all over Dot. She shrieks as water droplets coat her and I cackle with laughter, continuing to shake like a dog until she throws a towel over me.

I'm still laughing as she begins to brush her hair again, throwing irritated looks over her shoulder at me.

"I'm going to take Maddy shopping for some pretty things." I decide and voice to Dot, she nods in agreement and I feel relief that it is a good idea. I can vaguely remember what my sister was like at that age, she loved all things pretty to her and they always made her feel special.

I want to make Maddy feel special.


"Come on Mads sweetie." I say as I gently lead her away from Dot and Chris, we agreed to meet back at this point in two hours but Maddy is finding leaving Chris hard.

"B-but Tiffa?" She whines, sighing I bend down and pick her up into my arms. Now that she's at my eye level I can explain to her better.

I don't walk because I don't want her to feel like she's being ignored or that she she has to go where I say. Instead I turn so she can watch the disappearing figures of Dot and Chris, they are holding hands.

"Chris is just going with mummy for a bit sweetie, he'll be back soon."

She pouts slightly before looking at me with a furrowed eyebrow, she looks too precious for words.

"A-and me?"

"Well you are coming with me for a surprise!"

Her eyes light up and she throws her arms around my neck before her excitement gets the better of her. She begins to kick her little legs slightly whilst repeating 'Let's go! Let's go!'

"Ok Mads." I chuckle and begin to walk towards the shopping centre Dot directed me to. Maddy is so distracted by the world that she barely finds time to say a word to me accept for a few questions about cars and the 'mummy cars' which I finally realise are buses.

Once the shopping centre comes into sight I make Maddy close her eyes and she does as directed. A tiny grin on her lips, every couple of seconds her eyes open slightly and then she shuts them again. I catch her doing it and she grins at me cheekily before covering her eyes with her hands, she looks too adorable.

As I walk through the doors she gets a few older women cooing at her, I merely smile my thanks and continue through the building looking for shops that will catch Maddy's eye. She is still yet to move her hands when I see a toy store with hundreds of soft animal teddies from dogs to lions.

I think back to that tatty old teddy she carried from the orphanage and decide that this will be a good place to start. Even as I place her on the floor she keeps her hands over her eyes until I tap her on the shoulder lightly.

Turning to look up at me she removes her hands from her eyes and throws me a smile, she is yet to turn around and see the shelves of teddies so I gently point behind her. She whips around ridiculously fast and lets out little squeals of excitement.

Rushing forwards she almost makes contact with the toys but then she catches herself and hangs back, return to the side of my legs and looking up at me guiltily.

Sighing, I kneel down next to her and hold her little hand.

"You pick whichever one you want Mads, maybe choose one for Tiffa too?" I suggest and her eyes grow so wide she looks a few moments away from fainting with excitement.

Grinning at her, I give her lower back a slight push towards the toys. Nervously she checks one last time by looking at my face before walking along the shelves, stopping to look every now and then. Every time she pauses I make a mental note of the animal, as soon as we're back home and don't have to worry about travel space I'll buy her a hundred.

After she's looked at all the shelves in her eye line and she hasn't actually chosen one I bend down and pick up up under the elbows, one hand tucking under her bottom so she's more comfortable. Then I slowly walk along the shelf and let her look at the higher level toys.

Finally one catches her eye and I can tell by the way she is bouncing that she's chosen so I stop and she reaches forwards to grasp it. It's a tiny golden retriever puppy and I can't help but smile at the thought of her meeting Maggy.

She cradles it to her chest and presses her face into its soft fur.

"T-there was a lady. She had one of these."

"She did?" I prompt trying to keep her talking and opening up.

She nods and twists her head to look around at me. "S-she walked past the window with it."

Maddy has obviously been dying to meet that dog and seems to have formed an attachment to them. Grinning, another teddy catches my eye on a higher level. I reach up and grab it.

It's a bigger version of Maddy's toy but I'll tell her it's the 'mummy'.

I place it in front of Maddy and she squeals again. It's almost as big as her but she grips it around the neck.

"You want the mummy too?" I ask her unable to keep the smile from appearing on my face. I'll buy it for her whatever her answer.

To my surprise she nods before pausing slightly.

"Y-yes please but n-not if that means Tiffa can't have one."

"Shall we pick his too?"

Maddy realises what my answer is and nods happily, content to struggle holding the two toys in her tiny arms. After a few minutes of focused looking she picks a lion toy and I can't help agreeing that Chris will like it.

"These then?"

"Y-yes please."

Her face is flushed with happiness and the feeling of being spoiled.

Maddy it's only the beginning.

Hello my lovely readers,

I actually adored writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy reading it!

The next chapter will be on what happened with Doretha and Chris xx

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