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"Dot, baby?" Caine calls out gently beside me as he slips his hand into mine. My eyes are fixed to the dank building I see before me. Bleak and grey, oozing misery and a lack of any warm. I feel physically sick.

Caine pulls me into his chest and I burrow my face in the scent of him, thankful that for a moment I can feel nothing but his warmth and that dismal place is out of my eyesight for just a second.

Bolt is waiting in the car, we thought it was best given his feral tendencies and savage appearance- he never minds. The hellhound prefers the quiet to anything.

"Can we go now please." I beg Caine, needing his support to guide my feet into that building.

He knows what I need and slowly begins to walk forward with me still slightly tucked under his massive frame. Caine pushes the door to the reception in an attempt to open it. But we find it firmly locked. That's to be expected at 10 o'clock in the evening I guess.

We both knew it was a long shot that anything would happen tonight but I begged Caine to let me just try and he drove us as soon as I explained that I wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing whether I could get him or not. Another night away from my boy knowing where he is is going to be hard.

As if sensing my desperation to not leave, Caine firmly takes me under his arm and leads me back to the car. The tears are falling before I have even buckled up my seatbelt. It hurts. It always hurts.

The hotel we booked two rooms for us small and quaint, it makes me hate it. My son is in a miserable excuse for a building and I'm lounging in the lap of luxury with Caine, I know rationally it can't be helped but it still turns my stomach.

Caine and Bolt struggle with the luggage but I make no attempt to help them beyond a rucksack, I'm too weak for anything else. What's the point of buff biker men if  they don't carry your stuff for you?

The lift ride is essentially silent save for the buzzing and whirring of machinery, I'm not in a talking mood and I know if I do I will snap and be short tempered, better to stay silent. Bolt has his own room- hardly a surprise. That man never lets anyone in his room, even the hookers and women he fucks stay outside, according to Caine at least.

"This is it then." Caine says softly as he opens the door to our room, his voice is laced with pity and I hate it.

Striding into the room, I walk into the bathroom and lock the door before Caine has the chance to say another word. I just, I just need to breathe and I can't do that with Caine's affection smothering me.

He's tapping softly on the wood as the tears cough down my face, every ounce of pain I've felt in the past is roaring through my body in a rage. It's all consuming.

I can't think.

I can't breathe.

I need the thumping in my ears to stop as Caine thumps on the locked door calling my name. I want to be left alone and I know how to make it happen.

Opening my mouth I hiss at Caine just loud enough for him to hear that I want him to "back the fuck off and leave me alone. I'm not some pity piece he can pick up and mend!"

I hear Caine's pained intake of breath and his tapping on the door stops, immediately I miss his attentions.

I'm so god damn fucked up.

Hello my lovely readers,

Sorry this chapter is later than promised and a bit shorter- as I mentioned on my profile I have more going on in my life right now and these stories are second to my education unfortunately. I still love these stories and they will be updated twice weekly at a minimum.

Thank you for staying with me xx

MC's Viking Warriors- Viper #3 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt