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Two updates today to make up for the short previous chapter. Hopefully this one is better xx

After Doretha's unpleasant comment reaches me, I take a moment to breathe as I try to calm the hurt that hits me. It's not her fault, she can't process the hurt she's feeling so she's returning to her coping mechanism when she lived with her god awful parents.

Sighing, I lean against the cold wood of the door and wish that her body was in my arms, her cheek pressed against my chest. But I'm shut out and away from her, so I do the only thing I can think of.

I walk out of the room and shut the door quietly, not wanting Dot to think that I'm actually cross with her. Bolt is sat at the hotel bar, chatting up two prim looking English girls, he seems to be making some headway with it and honestly I'm not surprised. Twenty something year old women looking to disappoint daddy... enter big, savage biker man.

Chuckling to myself as I walk past him, not wanting to spoil his technique. I'm bored and hungry... and missing Doretha so I nonchalantly pick up a restaurant menu and scan it for food. At first I'm staggered at the prices but then I get distressed by the name of one of the pasta dishes. It was the same one Doretha ordered on our date. That would cheer her up as much as possible under the circumstances.

Still holding the menu, I walk over to a waiter with as much of a smile as I ever have with a stranger. "Hey, uh how much to have this delivered to one of your rooms?" I question, pointing to the pasta dish and then a basic burger and fries... sorry chips.

The waiter returns with an easy smile and replies with the prices, I don't even hear them. I'm already scanning my card and murmuring thanks. Heading back past Bolt, he now has only one woman with him but she does have her tongue down his throat so I assume his evening is going well.

He catches my eye and puffs his chest out proudly at his achievement, once I would have smirked in response. Proud of his conquest, but not anymore. I was the same once, before Doretha came and after she gave me the cold shoulder. But now that she has my heart, now small time bar snog will ever distract me again. I merely give him a slight congratulatory smile.

The lift ride is painstakingly slow as every second seems to be taunting me with taking twice as long. When the doors finally open I can't slow my feet as I stride swiftly down the corridor towards our room.

Opening up the door with the key card, I find the bathroom door open and I breathe a sigh of relief that she's out again. My eyes focus in on the gloom of the hotel room and I see her small figure leaning against the window, one side open as wide as it will go. The room is suddenly that much colder as I walk further in.

My footsteps alert Dot to my presence and she turns to face me. Her cheeks are sparkling with dry and fresh tears and her lips are trembling from the harsh rainy wind of England.

"Dot?" I call out softly and her eyes flick over me slowly before she looks away, a look of shame heavy on her expressions. After a moments pause I continues to walk towards her and she finally reacts.

Her arms reach out for me in the air and her pale hand grab in the air for me. Smiling softly, I walk the last few meters over to her and scoop her into my arms. Pulling the window shut with my free arm before I wrap it around her shivering body and move her to the bed.

"I-I'm s-sorry C-Caine." She whimpers into my chest and I sigh heavily before turning her face gently up to look up at me.

"It's ok baby, as I've said before, I will take every swear and curse under the sun from you, because I know when you mean it and when you're hurting."

Her whimpers turn into soft, snuffling sobs that eventually diminish off and I feel a wait lift from my chest. I hate hearing her crying.

There's a knock at the door and it takes me a second to remember the food. I lightly shift her from my lap and onto the bed before moving to open the door. I take the tray and tip the young lad who bought up the food for us. As I walk back past the light switches I bump into it with my elbow so the room is illuminated with dim lighting.

"Food baby, you must be hungry after that shit aeroplane food."

She chuckles in agreement and I hear her stomach growl to finalise the evidence. I settle on the bed opposite Dot and place the tray between us. We both take our plates and I feel delight as I watch her eyes light up when she realises it's the pasta she loves.

"You remembered!" She exclaims and does a little dance to her own music at the first taste of the food.

"Of course I remembered baby, you liked it."

We eat in a companionable peace until the plates are cleared and then I collect everything back onto the trays. Standing from the bed to leave the tray outside the door, when Dot's hand grips my wrist fearfully.

"You're not going are you?"

I sit back down on the bed for a moment to stroke her cheek lovingly. "Of course not, just getting the room ready for bed, baby."

"Oh." She murmurs lightly, a slight tone of embarrassment as she releases my wrist and hides her face playfully in a pillow.

After I've shut the door again and double checked it's locked, I turn but find a blushing Doretha blocking my way. My hands reach out for her of their own accord and settle on the dips at her hips- thumbs rubbing over the soft silk of her nightie.

Dot moves even closer to me and places her palms on the top of my chest. She moves to her tiptoes and starts to trail feather light kisses up my neck and along my jaw until she finds my Adam's apple where she stops kissing and instead starts sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin.

My hands tighten around her hips as I steadily heave deep breaths into my lungs as I try to remain in control- not an easy feat.

"Baby..." I groan out.

"Yes Caine?" She questions with innocence in her eyes even as her hands sneak down my chest and towards my belt.

"What are you doing then?"

"I want you. I want you Caine."

MC's Viking Warriors- Viper #3 Where stories live. Discover now