Your first words

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Slenderman was reading a book as you lay asleep in his arms. You slowly wake up and said, "Slendy." Slenderman was surprised and happy. He lifted you by his tentacle, happily letting you play, and swing on it.

Jeff The Killer:

Jeff was laid down with you on his chest playing with your small hands. You giggled while saying, "sushi." Jeff just realized what happened and laughed. He couldn't believe your first words were 'sushi'.


Toby made waffles while you were supposed to be sleeping in your crib. Once he was finished he heard you say, "Waffles." He rushed over to you and picked up causing you to giggle. "G-good taste [Y/N]." He replied softly making you fall asleep again. Once you were sleeping he put you back down in the crib carefully then went back to the kitchen. He laughed quietly while eating his waffles.

BEN Drowned:

BEN loved bopping your nose seeing how it was so cute and small. "Zelda," you said playfully. BEN burst into laughing which caused you to laugh too. You both sat there for a good five minutes laughing.


Hoodie held you in his arms looking down at your cute adorable sleeping face. It was time to feed you so he gently shucks you awake. Your [E/C] eyes slowly opened and you were active again. While he was feeding you, you said, "Yummy." Hoodie's eyes widened before laughing at how adorable you made the word sound.


Masky loved watching you sleep not in a creepy way, but a relief way. Having you with him has made his miserable life so much better. He ate cheesecake as he played relaxing soft sleeping music and watch you. Suddenly the door was kicked down by Toby. You immediately wake up and start crying at the loud noise. "Seriously," Masky said angrily putting his cheesecake down and picked you up in his arms calming you down. "S-sorry just we-wanted to give *Tic* y-you your mission p-paper. He said twitching handing Masky a paper. Once you calmed down he grabbed the paper out of Toby's hand, and read it. While he was reading you said, "Mission." Toby started laughing historical while Masky put you down, and chased him. You giggled as you heard screaming from the distance.

Eyeless Jack:

Jack was watching you play with your stuffed animal causing him to laugh at your excitement. You paused and looked up at Jack as he was 'looking' at you back. "Dada," you said causing Jack to pick you up, and twirl you around. He was so happy that it made you giggle.

Laughing Jack:

You were sitting in Jack's lap while he was eating candy. "Loli-pop," you said causing Jack to look at you happily. "Not yet gumdrop you are too young," He replied. He put his candy down and held you in his arms.

Jason The Toymaker:

Jason just finished making a teddy bear that he can see through, so he placed it beside you. You grab the bear, and said, "Teddy." "I guess the bear's name is Teddy then." He said grabbed you while you hold the teddy, and he just rocked you in his arms.

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