Chapter 7: Sweet Tarts

Start from the beginning

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"I drew out some concept art. Tell me what you think." She ran over to her bed and grabbed her sketch pad. She quickly flipped through the pages, my eyes catching a few amazing sketches.

Despite my best effort, I got jealous. Art was supposed to be my thing but she was obviously better at it than me. Just like she was obviously better at everything than me.

When she finally found the page, she shoved the sketch pad into my hands.

There were sketches of a castle, various ways of castle towers for the frame each of the legs. A brick wall for each of the panels. Then she played around with the claw part sketches of various dragon talons, making it look like a dragon was swooping down into a castle.

"I like it."

"Yes!" she jumped up and down.

"I think this dragon claw looks the best, and these castle towers." I pointed.

"Wow! I was totally thinking the same thing. We are so in sync. Okay, so we better get started. I figure we should so the easy part first, the side panels." She said.

I nodded in agreement.

Then she led me to the garage where she had an unhealthy amount of clay in waiting. We used a dolly to carry up about 25 pounds of it. we also got gloves and a plastic sheet to lay on the floor so we wouldn't make a mess. Plus water and various sculpting tools.

"Okay, I say we make the brick pieces about a half-inch thick each." She instructed.

"Sounds good to me. Let's just block the panels out first and if we have time go back and detail them."

"Works for me."

Then we got to work. She put on some music, turns out we have very similar taste. For some reason unknown to me we both like 2000's music and classic rock. I tried my best not to sing and just focus on cutting the clay and shaping the bricks but when Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne came on I couldn't help but crack.

It started off soft, me just murmuring hey's and you's under my breath. But when the main lyrics started it was actually Hilary who broke first. She just busted out with,

"You're so fine I want you mine you're so delicious."

I couldn't help but laugh at her.

She laughed too and then got up and grabbed my hands and made me stand up too.

"Stop it." I laughed.

"Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious. And, hell yeah I'm the mother f-in princess. I can tell you like me too, and you know I'm right." she sang.

I laughed because she didn't curse she said f-ing. She pulled my arms back and forth forcing me to dance with her. I couldn't help but smile at her and dance with her. We jumped around like a couple of preteens hearing the song for the hundredth time.

"Come on, now you," she said, wanting me to sing.

I rolled my eyes and sang, "She's like so, whatever. You could do so much better. I think we should get together now."

"And that's what everyone's talkin' about." Hilary finished for me.

I laughed.

Then together at the top of our lungs, we sang the chorus.

We were jumping around so much and so aggressively that I got winded. When the song was over we collapsed on her bed to catch our breath. We turned to look at each other and laughed at how ridiculous we just were.

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