Chapter 12

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"What do you mean by that, Sir Kingston?"

Realizing herself getting all defensive and nearly lose her composure, Mia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down even though it made no change to her complexion at all. She had been fidgety and clouded with anxiousness ever since this man appeared in front of her, in her life again.

She didn't like it when people tried to pry into her private life.

As if he hadn't sensed her gradually darkening expression at all, Leon paused briefly before continuing. "Eh, nothing. I am just pointing out a few things here."

He looked straight into her eyes. "First, you should quit your job. It would be inconvenient if you are unable to fulfill your main job due to a side one. Second, as my dear wife, you should take care of yourself more. Otherwise, I would be accused of neglecting my wife."

Mia's expression eased up a little, however, her complexion completely changed at the way he addressed her. The frustrating part was that she couldn't refute it at all. Since he had dug a pit for her, and now that she had already jumped into it, she couldn't even climb back up.

"What do you think? Your trust issue is still as severe as always." Leon's probing gaze was directed at her. His previously good mood calmed down a little. He was back to that emotionless, business-like person.

Mia faltered slightly before she nodded without hesitation. She indifferently agreed with him. "As you say."

"Good then." Leon's mood became unreadable. Mia couldn't even guess what he was thinking, making her at a loss.

"Now, come with me." Leon paid for the food and then lead her out of the restaurant. Mia narrowed her eyes suspiciously at his gesture.

Surprisingly, Leon had acted like a gentleman this time. He opened the car before her hand could even reach for the doorknob. In bewilderment, she just entered the car with a slightly confused look.

Meanwhile, Leon was hiding his smile as he walked to the other seat. Mia's confused look was such a contrast to that usual frosty expression of hers. That was also why he had liked teasing her a lot.

What had changed now? Mia mulled things in her head. Ever since their last meeting a few years back, it seemed that he had changed a lot. He was no longer as stiff and indifferent.

As Leon drove the car, silence hung in the air. Mia acted like nothing matter, looking out in the windows while trying to glean this man's thoughts. However, soon she knew what he intended to do by asking her to go with him.

The car smoothly pulled into a wide parking lot, indicating how unordinary the place they were going to visit.

Leon was bringing Mia to a luxurious boutique.

As they entered the spacious place, Leon told her. "Pick anything you want."

Mia stared blankly for a moment before regaining her composure. She looked at her own dress and then the gorgeous dresses around. Indeed, the one she was wearing right now was among a few of her passable ones, but they weren't worth much in front of upper-class society.

Leon belonged to such a world. So, it was natural that his supposed partner shouldn't dress too shabbily.

Thinking about this logic, Mia began to roam around the area, looking for some dresses. Leon stared at Mia's back as he slid down to sit on a sofa, crossing his feet comfortably.

Mia didn't know how to pick a dress; she was quite a tomboy when she was young and usually went around with a boyish style. Now, she was rather flustered even though she didn't show it on her face.

She didn't even dare to check the dress's price right now. Rummaging through the shelves of dresses, she stopped and took some that weren't too extravagant nor eye-catching. Simple looking was more preferable for her, lest would it invite trouble.

However, right now Mia was so focused on choosing the appropriate dress that she failed to notice Leon who was pointing at every dresses she had touched earlier, telling something to the shopkeeper who was in delight, grinning ear to ear as if he had just stumbled upon a mine of gold.

When Mia came back, holding three dresses; two black and one red, her pupil constricted upon the sight before her. It was a barely noticeable change to her expression, but only Leon seemed to notice it. He beckoned her to walk closer.

"What on earth...?" She mumbled, gazing at him questioningly.

"Those dresses are for you." Nonchalantly, he spoke as if it was a matter of fact that couldn't be refuted.

"I don't need that many," Mia said, looking on speechlessly as she at the bags lined on Leon's side, roughly seemed to be over sixty bags. She had almost convinced herself that perhaps those things weren't mean for her, yet his words just said the opposite of her expectation.

Somehow, she hated the feeling of owing favors to others. It was as if she was in a debt.

"I don't buy it for you." Leon continued. "It's for the sake of our partnership. You surely don't need an explanation why right?"

The last words were of stinging to hear, yet it couldn't be more true. Besides, Leon had paid those all those things earlier.

The shopkeeper even seemed a bit anxious, hinting something to Mia as if to say that she should just accept it. He seemed to be afraid that Leon would take his orders back. The rich Leon threw him the debit card and he hadn't had a chance to swipe it. Naturally, the orders could still be retracted.

"Let's not waste any more time," Leon muttered while asking the shopkeeper to bring all those bags to his car.

"Ah, and don't forget to pack those dresses." Leon hinted to the dress on Mia's arms, which she had sneakily tried to put back on their places when Leon wasn't looking. Yet, she was still caught.

"Of course, Sir." The shopkeeper snatched those dresses from Mia's hand, as fast as lightning. He was grinning happily when he handed the receipt and the debit card back to her.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I hope that you enjoy your day. Come back later."

Mia could only numbly sigh and exited the shop. Leon was leaning against the car, waiting. He opened the car door for her when she was close enough.

"Your debit card." She indifferently handed the card to him as he joined her, seating himself in the driver seat.

"Take it. Don't you say that you need some fund?" Leon didn't even glance at her when he said this. His hands were busy looking for something, rummaging through his things.

Leon took out thick documents and handed them to Mia. Without any explanation, Mia already knew what it was.

"Sign it and I will pick it up tomorrow."

The bind, a marriage contract.

Guys, sorry for the extremely slow updates. I have been so busy and it's causing me to be in a lot of stress lately. I know I should be writing my paper and experiment reports right now. But yeah, I can't help it that I am missing your comments! If you have any thoughts about how this story is going so far, I will like to hear that. Thank you!

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