Chapter 11

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9"I am sorry for troubling you." Although Mia's face was usually stiff, her tone was sincere. She and Seina were currently staying in her new bedroom with Aiden, who was sleeping on the bed.

"Who do you regard me as? There's no need for such words between friends. You are considering me as your friend, right?" Seina's words carried a bit of teasing, but Mia could see that she was rather serious.

"Yes, of course." She replied without hesitation. Seina was the closest person after the death of her foster mother, who died not long after the failed surgery.

"But Aiden is a bit troublesome. That kid is so hyperactive."

"Nonsense." Seina waved her hands off. "That kid is so smart already despite his young age. Such a lovable and cute boy."

Mia's worry has been taken off slightly. Aiden indeed had so much energy sometimes. A bright and sensible little one. She just hoped that when he grows up, he wouldn't turn into an expressionless and sinister person like Leon.

As she thought of this, she couldn't help but imagine that resentful and displeased expression he would make some years ago. Mia remembered that he would often make that kind of face whenever things didn't go his way.

He would glance at her once a while as if expecting something. Mia, in bewilderment just stayed out his way. Thinking back to that time, Mia wondered if it was her who had made him unhappy, yet after rummaging through her memories, she didn't remember ever committed any mistake. Since he didn't say anything, she just kept silent.

"You are going to meet him?" There was concern in Seina's tone.

Today, in her excitement, Seina didn't hesitate to help Mia move in together, resulting in the latter's plan to be days ahead than she had originally calculated. Mia never expected that Seina would be this happy that she was getting housemates. Living alone must be lonely for her.

Since Mia didn't have a lot of things to bring, everything went smoothly.

As for how Mia should deal with Leon, she had thought about it. Moving in with Seina was one of those. She couldn't rest her heart whenever she left Aiden alone at the house, plus she had little trust in other people. Just any neighbor to take care of Aiden wouldn't do.

"I am going to meet him today." Mia nodded. She had thought things through and had only to come up with the decision that perhaps would be good for both her and Aiden.

Although she had told Seina about her past, she had left out a certain thing.

"That man's bearing isn't like an ordinary person." Seina frowned. "Be careful. He might have some ulterior motives."

Seina helped Mia combed her hair, facing the mirror in front of her. Looking at Seina's caring way, Mia couldn't help but felt slightly nostalgic. In the past, even though she was already considered an adult, her foster mother liked to comb her hair. They were shiny jet black, cascading down to her chest like waves of the ocean. A clear contrast from Aiden's light brown hair, which resembled Leon more.


Mia walked into the restaurant calmly; her frosty eyes gazing around looking for a certain figure. She checked the table number one by one, and after finding the rather secluded location of the table, Mia unhurriedly strolled toward it.

She immediately spotted the extraordinary presence, belonging to a certain figure who had his body leaning back to his seat in a languid manner. When Mia approached him, he looked up as if he had identified her presence long ago.

"Sit." He said lazily, with a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.

Mia rolled her eyes inwardly.

She was wearing a long-sleeved black ruffle blouse combined with long grey trousers. The natural red lips complemented the pale, fair skin, adding a touch of enchanting allure like a thorned rose. Her looks weren't bad, and it was enough to make a few heads turned to her figure. However, as soon as they caught the sight of Leon, mostly just frowned and looked away.

Behind that look of satisfaction, a surprised expression briefly surfaced in Leon's eyes. He examined Mia's figure as she wordlessly sat down across him.

Mia harrumphed coldly, instantly bringing Leon back to reality. It was unknown whether, sometimes this man was a natural blockhead, or was he a person with no shame. After being caught blatantly staring, he just acted as if nothing happened.

Mia herself no longer had that dark circle under her eyes. She didn't know how to dress up, but Seina did. Seina had helped her with some make-up, resulting in her current look that was such a contrast to her previous tired-looking employee with minimal sleep.

"So, how's your decision?" Leon gave her a grin.

"You already know." Mia's frosty answer tinged with the tone of irritation. He was teasing her again.

"Alright. Don't get angry." Leon chuckled lightly, seemingly in a good mood. "Let's order some food first."

Leon called the waitress, ordering some food for both of them. Since this was one of the famous restaurants in the area, the service was bad. The order was served quicker than Mia had originally predicted, instantly breaking the tense atmosphere; well, at least for Mia, as Leon just seemed to be enjoying himself quite well.

How pathetic. Mia couldn't help but lamented in her heart. It wasn't yet known to whom those words were directed, rather to herself or him. She had vaguely understood why this man required her assistant again to act as his pretend lover. It was to make his mother believed that he had a wife already.

Leon had it all. The looks, the brain, the wealth. Anything that most women yearned in their partner. Yet, he also seemed to have one fatal flaw; his indifference to such things as how to treat the opposite gender. Or, perhaps he simply just didn't care.

It was also an understatement that not all women long for all those three things --the looks, brain, and wealth-- while overlooking a certain aspect. Some women, ideally also hoped for a figure they could depend on; someone that really cares about them and not just have the wealth alone. Living in a simple lifestyle compared to a dream-like rich one suited some people more, as long as the primary needs were fulfilled.

With such cold indifference, how can two form a proper relationship?

"The condition is that you ask for advanced money first?" Leon raised his eyebrow, throwing a bait. Mia didn't answer, merely glancing at him coldly.

Sensing Mia's reluctance to speak, Leon seemed to be in deep thought. Mia's heart thumped loudly in her chest. She wasn't one to enjoy excessive luxury, even in their previous time being together. What if he suspects something?

However, Leon only coughed lightly. He didn't pry further, much to Mia's relief.

Since he was willing to squander money for this absurd relationship, she wasn't also going to be too polite with him. She needed the money urgently. However, Leon didn't even bat an eye when he wrote down a certain number on a check he had casually pulled out of his pocket.

He handed the check to Mia, who took it in a rather awkward manner. Mia stared at the written number and was instantly stunned. She quickly recovered her expression while looking at Leon with an odd gaze.

She was met with that arrogant look of his. With his raised chin, the brown eyes were staring at her as if they were conveying the obvious; that he was filthy rich.

How childish, Mia grumbled. At this moment, a thought suddenly crossed her head. Aiden and Leon's childishness were so alike that they often reminded Mia of the other's presence whenever one of them wasn't around.

"Don't you think you have something about you that you need to take care of, Mia?"

The abrupt, ambiguous question made Mia froze in her seat.

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