you shook your head. "no it's fine—you didn't." you gave him a smile. "although i'm glad you two didn't get caught like we did." you did a small laugh. "i didn't think there was cameras outside there..."

"yeah after you left they stood out there for another hour. but Suna's driver happened to come and he let us know when it was safe." he explained.

"that's good." you gave another smile. "oh—sorry this place is a mess. i didn't sleep over yesterday so i didn't get to clean it up a bit." you grabbed the book and held it behind.

he shook his head, "it's fine, i don't care." he gave you a smile.

"do you want me to get you a cof—" the doorbell rang mid sentence. you looked at the time on your phone. "shit." you muttered. "uh," you bit your lip and looked at Akaashi. "give me a second." you walked to the door.

"(l/n)." the old man greeted you.

"you're early today." you greeted back. "um—if you can just give me a second and wait out here please, i'm sorry." you closed the door. Akaashi watched as you made your way back to him. "i need you to hide in my room for a bit—please." you had a begging look.

he gave you an unsure look but nodded slowly. you waited no time and grabbed his hand and led him towards your room. "i'll try to make it quick—just stay here for now and don't make noise please. i'm sorry." you said one last time and closed the door to your room.

Akaashi stood there confused. he turned around and eyed your room. he breathed out a small laugh. 'you liked to read huh.' he thought as he walked around. your room was modern, black and with a lot of bookshelves.

you didn't have much decor because you weren't ever home to decorate your own way but you never really felt the spirit of doing it anyways so you kept your room plain. your furniture and bedding—everything was black colored.

Akaashi walked over to the bookshelves and pulled out a book. a grin appeared on his face once he recognized the special book. it made him wonder what kind of a person you really were.

while he was doing that, you let the therapist in and both of you sat down, him in front of you on the other couch. "how are you doing (l/n)?" he asked while taking out his book.

"fine." you answered right away. "i'm okay." you wanted to hurry things up because this was a really bad time and you didn't want Akaashi to overhear and start assuming things.

"have you felt overwhelmed this week? you look a bit drained." he was gesturing to the eye bags you had and the color of your skin that seemed a bit drained. "you've been sleeping alright?"

you nodded. "this," you pointed to the eye bags. "they just don't go away—they're permanent." you told him. he shook his head and let out a small chuckle while writing it down.

"have you been taking the pills?" you nodded again. "can you bring me the bottle?" you nodded again and walked over to your purse and took out the medicine bottle and handed it to him. he shook it around as if he was checking how many pills you had eaten and were left.

"can't you give me something else?" his eyebrows knitted. "these have been giving me headaches and feel bad. they just don't feel the same as the ones from before." you explained.

"they have a higher power, that must be why. i can't give you another one but i can prescribe you another medicine to help you. i'll tell your mother and have it ready for you by tomorrow and you can start taking." he said while writing down notes.

you nodded. "what did you eat today (l/n)?" he put down his pen.

"strawberry's." you shrugged.

"nothing else?" you shook your head. he picked up his pen again. "it's five in the afternoon, you should've eaten breakfast or at least lunch by now. i'm going to have to tell Akane about this. your health is only going to get worse—more than it already is. if you need, get a nutrition coach and have your mother get someone to get you the food or make it if you're not able to."

you sighed and laid back on the couch. "fine." you muttered.

"have you talked about your incident with anyone yet?" he looked at the scar on your bare throat. "other than your family?" you shook your head while looking away. "do you not feel comfortable? or do you just not want to talk about it?"

you weren't sure. "both..?" you shrugged and said unsurely.

"i think it'll help you if you talk to someone close to you. it could be anyone but of course it should be someone you're close with. a good friend." he said.

the Miya twins knew about your family situation but not about the story behind your scar. of course they had wondered but at the time when they had asked—you would get panic attacks.

"when was the last time you got a panic attack?"

"i'm not sure. a few months ago maybe? i don't know it's been a while." you played with your fingers. the habit of knicking in your fingers was back.

"do you still have the pills i gave you?" you thought about it. you shook your head. "okay." was all he said. you could see him continue to write it down.

you bit your lip when you saw the small amount of blood coming out of your finger from the dead skin you pulled.

"i heard your brother's back in town." he gave you a smile. "how do you feel about that? are you happy?" you shrugged, giving him a vibe that you really didn't care. when he saw your reaction, he tried to think of a different subject. "you told me you're doing a new project—how is that going?"

you gave him a quick glance. "it's going fine." you looked back at your nails.

he hummed. "that'll be all for today. i'm prescribing new medicine and you have to promise me you'll start eating healthy and regularly. if you still have problems with the one prescription—tell me right away. i'm going to prescribe new panic attack medicine." you furrowed your eyebrows.

"even if you think you don't need it—please keep it with you an—" a noise came from your bedroom. you both faced towards the direction. "is someone here?"

you shook your head immediately. "it's probably the wind. i opened the window because it was feeling too hot in there earlier." you lied. you had an ac.

"okay..." he said unsurely. "take care (l/n), please. i'll show myself out." he bowed. you did a mini bow and stood up. he locked the door after him and you waited a few seconds till he was a bit away from your apartment.

you made your way to your bedroom. "i—my books." your jaw dropped.


we're ending here :3

also you realized 'therapist' is like
'the-rapist' 🧍‍♀️

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