Hell above

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The day I have to go and start the new school is Monday. My parents think I'm going to get better but I know it'll only get worse.
I feel like my old school is better and I haven't been to the knew one yet. I honestly didn't even think that I would make it. I thought I wouldn't make it. I thought I would give up. But I haven't.
Monday October 3rd
Mr. Sanders
Hello class this is Victor and he's new obviously so be friendly. Victor I'm going to pare you up with kellin because you have the same classes. So kellin you know what to do.
kellin's POV.
It's 90 degrees outside and he's wearing a sweater. Sweater looks nice on him but why is he tugging at his sleeve. Guess I should introduce myself more.
Hi I'm kellin, and i actually just started here about 2 months ago. I get bullied a lot so I see why people would probably tell you not to be around me. Why? Vic says with a sigh. Because I'm gay. kellin whispers. I don't know why they don't except me, I really don't. We could hangout sometimes if you want, I dunno, maybe Friday? Vic says nervously. Yeah, yeah I would like that! Kellin says with a wide smile.
Vic's POV.
He's gay but so am I. I don't know if I can trust him yet though, I need to get to know him first. I feel really bad that he gets bullied I know how he feels and I can relate. I really like him a lot and I feel a connection. Wow that bell is loud.
On my way home from school kellin runs up behind me.
Hey, hey Victor, wait up! I never got you number or anything. Oh sorry Vic says as he reaches for a sheet of paper. No no it's fine I'll talk to you later.
Later on kellin texted me
Hey victor, it's kellin
You can call me Vic. Oh okay sorry hey look I know I just texted you but, I have to go now, I'll talk to you tomorrow?
Talk to you later.
Tuesday October 2nd
I walk into school but and I see that kellin isn't there. My only friend isn't here and I'm worried because he said he had to go yesterday. I don't know maybe I'm over acting I thought to myself as I reached in for my history book.
Ok class so today we're going to be watching a film in class about England mr.sanders said as he pulled it up on the screen. While it was playing the only thing, the only person, I could think about was kellin and how he wasn't here. I pulled out my phone and texted kellin
"Hey, where are you man?"
I get the text from Vic asking where I am maybe there's an emergency, I should text back.
"I got a late start, but I'm in the car right now."
Mr.sanders POV.
Vic keeps looking down at under his desk, I wonder what he's doing. I'll go look. I see he's on his phone but why is he doing that he's a new student and this is his first grade. Why would he mess it up. I walk over and say "Victor I need your phone, you're not focused and this could really ruin your grade! Give it up" he gives it to me while he sighs. Stay after the bell rings for a little chat.
.............................................................................Great, now I'm stuck here after the bell rings and I'll probably get lost going to my other class. I can tell I'm going to have problems with this teacher, the rest of the students, and this school.

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