Chapter 22 - The "Fancy" Party

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The next night, I was getting ready for the party that Jack had somehow managed to get tickets to. I wore a fancy maroon evening gown that flowed beautifully and my hair was in a tight updo. I wore gloves and barely dusted my face with enough makeup to fit in.

When I arrived at the venue, I was alone because Jack was meeting me there. The entire structure was beautiful white marble with gold designs. There was a large mandala like design on the ceiling.

It was gorgeous and intimidating.

I carefully made my way to the stairs, looking around curiously as I hobbled down. I spotted Jack at the bottom. His hair slicked back and he was dressed in a black tux. Much like the fancy dinner in the memories.

He spotted me and did a double take.

Jeez, this boy is gonna be the death of me. I smiled and hopped down to the bottom to meet him. He smiled so wide.

"You look beautiful." He said, raking his eyes over my body adoringly.

"You look beautiful too." I said, catching myself and smacking my head. He just laughed.

"Why thank you. Where did you even get that dress?"

"Luna knows people."

"Ah, of course she does." He said. He walked over to me and held out his arm. I took the hint and linked my arm with his. We walked into a separate room, much like the last, where people were dancing and eating food.

"This is what a fancy party is like? It's so boring." I whispered.

"I know." Jack replied. "But we're only here to find out where Rose is staying. How good are you at lying?"


"Well that's reassuring." He remarked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes but that's when an older couple came up to us and both Jack and I got looped into a conversation with several other people.

"Aren't you two just the prettiest couple?" One old woman asked.

"No we're not-" I began.

"That's very kind of you. We just got married in fact." Jack stated, lacing his fingers with mine. I looked up at him, dumbfounded and he just smiled at me. I kept my gaze on him.

"Yes. He's my husband." I said, only moving my gaze after I said that.

"So by what means did you earn your fortune?" An older man asked.

"Struck gold a couple hundred miles away." Jack expertly lied.

"What's your name, lovely lady?" Another very creepy older man asked me.


"You are nothing short of stunning." The man said.

"Well that's very kind of you, but I would like to bring your attention back to the fact that I am married." I said with a cocky smile. Jack interrupted the awkward silence by clearing his throat.

"We're actually looking for an old friend of ours. Do any of you happen to know where Rose Dewitt-Bukater might be?" Jack asked.

"Oh, you actually just missed her. She just left but she's staying at the Madison-Banes Hotel." The old woman said. "But you two should stay a little longer. Enjoy the party."

"Actually, it's really important that we find Rose." I said.

"We can stay a little longer sweetie." Jack said. This nickname shocked me. "Come on, Rose isn't going anywhere. Might as well enjoy ourselves, right?"

"Okay..." I said. He smiled and excused us from the group to dance with me on the dance floor with all the other couples. Jack pulled me very close to him so that we were pressed against each other, dancing along with the other couples.

"What the hell was that? We have to go." I whispered. He smiled at me adoringly.

"I just wanted to get some extra time with you before I leave. You're... pretty amazing." He said, twirling me.

I stared up at him, confused and he laughed slightly. I wanted to yell at him to stop. But what should he stop doing? As far as he's concerned, we're just two friends dancing with each other at a party.

Jack's POV:

It's so weird. Having this knowledge that Beth loved me. She clearly didn't know that I knew, but that just means that I get to have fun with her before she leaves. I wasn't trying to torture her or anything. I honestly just wanted to get all this stuff off my chest.

I loved Beth.

There was no sense in denying that. She was perfect. Every aspect of her was perfect. But it didn't matter. I was going to be reunited with Rose and this whole thing would just fade into the past. Even if I didn't want it to. Even if all Beth ever wanted for me was for me to be happy. And all I've ever been to her was rude and closed off.

Ah shit. I'm a jerk. I want her to be happy too. I just don't think I could ever give her what she deserves. She was the only thing that kept me grounded. And she deserves a lifetime of unconditional love. I don't know how much of myself I could give to Beth if I was still in love with Rose.

"Jack?" Beth was snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Jeez, you spaced out. Almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry. Just got distracted." I said.

"Okay..." She replied, an amused smile playing at her lips. "So, art boy, you excited to see Rose again?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Well, I feel like I should say..." She paused. "I am really proud of myself. I mean, look at what I did, I got us to freaking California to find your girlfriend. I'm amazing." I laughed. She was just joking around. I would miss that the most. Her carefree, joking, intuitive personality.

I should've just confessed.

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