Chapter 9 - Powers and Outbursts

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The next day Jack and I were walking to whatever spot he had promised to take me. We walked on a dirt path in complete silence. It was away from the hustle and bustle of the town. Very serene, everything was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. But we had been walking for a long time.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.


I tilted my head back but kept walking until we neared a clearing. Water from the lake in the clearing glistened off the afternoon sun. It was beautiful. I looked around in awe. Jack seemed amused by this.

"Pretty." I said, turning to face him. He was pretty tall so I had to look up slightly. "Where should we do this?"

"Wow, aren't you just the most charming girl in the world." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go sit over on those rocks."

I nodded and we both sat down on the large rocks that sat near the lake. "I need a personal object of your's." I said.

He handed me a charcoal pencil thing or whatever he used to draw with. I closed my eyes and focused really hard. An image took place. "I see... you. It's recent I think. You're playing poker...A dark haired man is there. And so are two other men. You won. What did you win? Oh! It looks like tickets." I repeated.

'No, Titanic go to America in five minutes.' A man with an accent said.

"You and the dark haired man are both grabbing your stuff and running out of the bar. Okay you're on a ship now. On the front deck. You're standing on the edge of the railing, and there are...dolphins. I think... you're saying something... 'I'm the king of the world.'" I couldn't help but smile at that. "You look so happy. Both of you guys. Oh wow the scene is changing. Um you're on a bench, drawing something. I can't make out what. Wait, you're distracted by something. A redhead woman. She's standing on the deck." I was snapped out of the vision as Jack snatched the charcoal out of my hand.

He looked somewhat horrified. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You probably think I'm some freak." I said.

"Will you just go please?" He asked.


"Just... Go for a walk or somethin'. I need to think." He said.


"Go." He yelled.

I sighed and got up slowly, picking my hair out of it's uncomfortable updo as I walked away from him. As I got further away, I saw a few mockingjays flying around the trees. I whistled a tune and they sang it back. Then I started singing more operatic scales and they repeated it back.

"You have a beautiful voice." I snapped my head back at Jack, who had left the spot from earlier. He seemed happier.

"Thanks. I've had a lot of practice."

"We should head back." He said.

"Uh yeah, sure." He nodded his head, blond hair falling into his eyes as we continued walking. He always had one piece of hair that stayed in front of his face, but he never bothered to brush it out of the way. We were walking in silence, nothing but the chirp of birds and the sound of heavy footsteps against the dirt path.

"You know, just because I'm here doesn't mean you have to stop singing." Jack said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Wanna tell me what your little outburst back there was about?" I asked.


"I already know some of that story. Luna told me." He was silent. "She said you went on the Titanic, fell in love with a girl who's name you won't tell anyone, and she left. You probably wanted to save her, so she went on that lifeboat but when you were rescued in the water, you two were separated. You searched for her for a while, then gave up and here we are."

"I should never have told Luna anything." That was the only thing he said.

"You know, I might be able to help you find her." I said. He grabbed me to stop us abruptly.

"Are you serious?" He was staring at me intensely with those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

"Well I could try... I might be able to help. I am only going to say this once. Do not get your hopes up."

"That's fine. I'm willing to try anything at this point." He said. "I want you to meet me back here tomorrow, same time."

To The Stars And Back - Jack DawsonWhere stories live. Discover now