Chapter 3 - Familiarizing

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I woke to Luna violently shaking me. "Oh my god what?" I asked in an incredibly annoyed tone. She laughed and ran a hand through her brown hair. Boy she just loves to make me angry, I thought.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead." She said. I rolled my eyes and got up, dashing behind the divider to put on the black dress that we had to wear everyday. "What should I call you, do you have a nickname or somethin'?"

"Not one that I would let you use." I said, pulling off my nightgown.

"What is it? Liz? Eliza? Ellie? El? Beth?" I rolled my eyes when she said Beth.

"Oh so it's Beth. Gotcha."

"Don't call me that." I slipped on the long sleeved black dress.

"Oh come on, Elizabeth's too damn long." I zipped up the back of my dress and began putting my unruly blond curls into the usual updo. "Don't be so Evil. Ooh hey! I like that as a name for you. Evil."

"You can call me Evil. As long as you don't call me any of the nicknames from before." I said. I placed the final pin in my hair and stood up. I slid on the dark blue sweater and brown boots.

"Alright Evil, let's head to breakfast." We linked arms and skipped to the lunch room. While we walked, she whispered something to me, "Upchuck again today. I have a plan for later."


I sat on the edge of my bed, twisting my gold necklace in my hands. I jumped when the door opened, revealing a disheveled Luna. I tilted my head at her and she laughed that same annoying amused laugh. "You're like a cat. Always tilting your head like that."

"What was your plan or whatever?" I asked coolly, desperate to get to the point.

"You wanna get out of here, right?" She asked.

"No shit."

"Ha! Well I have a little escape plan for us." I perked up and began picking the bobby pins that stabbed my scalp out of my head. My thick blond curls fell out of my head, giving me a sense of relief as each pin came out of my hair. "Can I touch your hair?" she asked, examining me.


"Come on! It looks so soft."

"Just get to the plan." I said.

"Oh right! So tomorrow during study time, I'll fake a stomach ache so I can get back here early. I'll jimmy open the window and no one will notice because they'll all be busy. Later, when everyone's asleep, we'll escape out the window. I know a path."

"Sounds great! What's the catch?" I asked.

"What makes you think there's a catch?"

"Nothing good in this world comes for free. So just tell me what it is." I said. She sighed.

"You can't take any clothes or anything like that with you. Just a coat and any small items."

"That's not that bad actually-"

"And we're gonna have to walk through a whole bunch of snow to get to the town." She said. I groaned and threw my head back.

"Fine." I said. "It's better than staying here."

She nodded. "You've been through a lot of stuff, haven't you?"

I looked up at her through the jungle of shiny hair that blocked my vision. "Nothing that I would ever tell you." I said.

"Fine. You're so mysterious." She walked over and sat down on her bed, unlacing her boots.

"You're not exactly an open book."

"I know but at least you know some stuff about me. I know nothing about you. Like what do you do for fun here?" She asked. I thought, no one has ever asked me that before.

"Well, when I was twelve, I got in trouble for painting on the walls but I'm no artist. I love to sing but I don't really do it in front of people, so don't ask." I said.

"What's your favorite song to sing, or hum, or whatever?"

"I like 'Come Josephine', but most of the time I just sing operatic scales and such." I sat forward. "Before I got here, there were always mocking jays in the garden. So I would always sing to hear them repeat it back to me."

"You're like a princess." She said, giggling.

"Nah, I don't need any prince to come save me. I can do that myself because I'm not weak like those girls."

"I know, Evil. Now rest up, big day tomorrow."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, Evil." She said.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you're as desperate to get out of here as I am. And like you said, the other girls don't wanna leave."

"Okay. I was just wondering." I said, leaning back in my bed. She smirked and chuckled.

"You're somethin' else."

To The Stars And Back - Jack DawsonWhere stories live. Discover now