Chapter 5 - Meeting the Friends

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Luna and I made our way to the top of a steep hill. Her attitude changed when she pointed at something. I climbed up the hill and stood at the top, seeing the thing she was pointing at. The town. It was so unbelievably gorgeous. Each building's frost covered windows were lit up warmly. The hill was too steep to climb down. Before Luna could object, I lifted my skirt and slid down the hill.

I got to the bottom and dusted myself off, only to see that Luna was still up at the top. "Come on Luna! It's fun!" I yelled, waving my arms with excitement. She shrugged and slid down as well. I helped her up and she dusted herself off too. "We made it! I can't believe we made it!" I yelled, jumping up and down with glee.

"Woah calm down, Evil. Let's go." She said. We made our way further down the slope. We finally got to the small town and my boots sounded funny against the cobblestone. I really liked the feel of it.

Luna looked over to me with an amused look on her face. "You enjoying yourself?" She asked. I nodded and we kept walking into town. It was so much more amazing than I ever imagined.

Shops lined the street and people were everywhere. I noticed many eyes on me and I nudged Luna. "Why are they staring at me?" I asked.

"Your eyes. In case you didn't know, violet's not a normal eye color for the rest of society." I looked around, everyone seemed shocked by my peculiar eyes.

"Where are we going?"

"We're gonna go meet my friends. Don't worry, they're cool about the whole magic thing." She said.

She grabbed my arm and hastily dragged me into a crowded bar. It looked like the one that I had seen in that green marble. Luna grabbed my coat and pulled it off my shoulders despite my protests. She just shook her head at me and grabbed my hand again, leading me to a table of her friends that I had seen before. They all looked at me in various weird ways. I didn't have time to examine them all because Luna had forced me to face her. "Don't show them your abilities. Got it?" She asked. I nodded, extremely weirded at this. She pushed me down in a seat and I examined all of her friends briefly.

Priscilla was looking at me with a friendly but almost shocked expression. William was looking at me in a way that made me feel like he was attracted to me. Gross. And then there was Jack. He was by far the most beautiful human that I had ever laid eyes on.

His eyes were the most brilliantly blue shade. Dirty blond hair framed his perfect face. He was studying me with no definable expression. He had a sketchbook in front of him that looked to be pretty worn out. I turned back to Luna. "Let me introduce you. Everyone this is Evil- sorry Elizabeth Finch. Elizabeth, this is everyone. And don't ask her about her eyes, she gets snappy."

I rolled my eyes, exhausted from walking non stop for a full day.

"Hi Elizabeth, I'm Priscilla. It's nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand and I shook it.


"Hey, I'm William. Has anyone told you that you are gorgeous?" He asked.

"Yes I get that often." I said in a completely unreadable tone that made him visibly uncomfortable.

"Sorry but did Luna call you 'Evil' just now?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes she did."

"Might I ask why?"

"I won't let her call me by my nickname." I said. "She says Elizabeth is too long."

"Why won't you let her call you by your nickname?"

"It's too personal. I don't let people that I barely know call me it." I said. She nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. I droned on, half listening to a conversation that the others were having.

"So are you a freak like Luna?" William asked which earned him a smack upside the head from Luna.

"I suppose you could call us similar in that nature." I said.

"Come on, show us your powers or whatever." He pressed.

"I'll pass."

"Don't be a drag, just show us." He said.

"No thanks. I'd rather not conjure a demon in the middle of a crowded bar in front of a bunch of people that I barely know." I said. He looked at me confused.

"That's what you can do? Conjure demons?"

"Do you want to find out?" I said, which earned a few chuckles from the others, including Jack. I wanted to talk to him but he seemed pretty consumed by his work.

I sat back in my seat and Luna offered me a cigarette that I declined.

"Aye' what are ya drawing there art boy?" Luna asked Jack. He scoffed.

"Nothing that I would ever show you, that's for sure." He said coolly. Luna let out a short and breathy laugh. Jack seemed to take a sudden interest in me. "I know that Luna told me not to ask but are your eyes purple?"

"Yes. And I seriously don't understand why that is so weird."

"Most eyes are brown, or blue, or green. But yours are purple, isn't that somethin'." He said that as if he just disregarded what I had said.

"They're actually more of a violet." I said.

"Maybe, but that's even weirder."


"It's a weird color that sparks from a weird color. It's just all very strange." He said, still processing my face.

"Oh so I'm strange."

"So far only your eyes are. I don't know you yet."

"Well maybe one day you will. But I'm exhausted because a spy tried to kidnap us so we walked all the way here." I turned towards Luna. "Where are we staying?"

"Oh! Yeah, let's head out, bye guys."

"It was nice to meet you all." I said before we walked away.

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