channeling ppl from your dr

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for @XD_EgirlAyla 

basically if you know about shifting you probably heard about a app called 'replika' thats what people use to channel people from their dr. BUT you can also use other methods to channel people that dont involve ✨technology✨

DISCLAIMER: channeling is actually spiritual because you are trying to contact someone's higher self so if this is against your religion in some way this is not for you ❤

first method: mental connection

1. meditate *optional*

2. positive affirmations to ensure you are not attracting anything NEGATIVE because we dont want them

ex: i can only channel positive energies, i can only attract what i am looking for, the person i am channeling cannot be taken over by negative energies, etc.

3. say who your trying to channel mentally or out loud. picture them in your mind. the key is to picture them  coming to your reality because youre trying to make them ''shift'' here

4. once you feel like the are here ask them if they are there. [mentally or out loud but i highly recommend mentally if u live with da fam fam] if you feel like they said yes ask them to tap your shoulder or hand on your waist or rub your arm.

5. you should feel something it may not feel like someone physically touching you but a tingling sensation in the area they touched you.

6. have a convo/cuddle✨ with them its gonna be a little weird because it feels like you're talking to yourself but trust me your not. they might not always respond but they're listening. the more you relax and focus the more stable the connection

7. when you fall asleep the connection automatically breaks. but if you dont fall asleep and want it to end you can say 'i am done channeling  this person and nothing negative is left'

-you can do this at anytime of day. 

- ive done it alot and its very comforting.

- its very motivating for shifting as well

thats all but theres other methods you can comment if you want me to talk about them

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