Just a little lie.

3 0 0

But it can't be the end.

I can't end it like this.


Pankiny and scared, traumatized and ill, I kick the masked man off my shaking body. But he's not moving. He won't budge.

Not being able to hear what his voice is saying, I squirm around, trying to get out of his arms. Also unsuccessful. With my racing heart and sweaty body, I start kicking, anywhere and everywhere, with all the energy I have left.

I end up kicking his masked jaw, leaving him on the floor in pain. I'm so sorry. I stand up, not knowing what to do with my body. Everything turns to normal speed, guilt, happiness, relief, joy, worrisome washes over my damp, shaking skin.

I did it.

I saved my life.

I rush to Harry, who is letting the police into the room. "H-Harry. I- Harry," I panicked, not knowing what to say.

He doesn't reply, just brings me into the luckiest hug of my life. I'm going to make his chest wet and I don't care. "It's okay," He reassures me. I can hear the worrisome in his voice. I can tell he has a frown on his face.

He parts our hug, not letting go of me, though. "You okay? Did he hurt you?" He asks, wiping my teary cheek. 

I shake my head no, my heart still beating rapidly, my chest rises higher than ever. I bring us into a warm hug again as that's the only way I can feel safe right now. I almost died. He kisses my temple, making my heart slow down. I smile weakly into his now damp tee.

"Harry, what if he gets you, what if-" I cut myself off. He hugs me tighter, making me warmer.

I'm safe now.

"We'll be alright."


"Thank you, sir." He says in a concerned voice.

"Harry who was the person getting me?" I don't feel like saying anything more.

Harry opens his empty mouth before closing it right back up.

"Harry, please," I say weakly.

I watch as Harry becomes pale, as I'm still terrified from earlier. "Harry."

He stands up from his seat before backing up. "I- they said it doesn't matter." he says, looking to the side.

Looking to the side. 

"So now you're a liar?!" I say following him out of the room. His jaw clenches as he fiddles with the metal around his fingers.

I don't feel mad. I don't feel much considering what happened. Just overwhelmed.

He's probably doing it for the best but I need to know, right?

I feel like I need to cry but I have no tears left to do so. "Harry! Why don't you tell me things? I get you're tight shut about your past as that is more sensitive and I'm not any better, but with things that include me?"

"I do." He says timidly, not being able to make any eye contact.

"Do you? Do you?! As far as I'm concerned you didn't tell me about the paparazzi shots. You didn't tell me about it at all! And now this?"

I say walking up to him as he is still backing away. "And I'm trapped! I can't just wait for you this time Harry. You have to meet me halfway. It's only fair. I cannot just run away from our problems this time."

This Time I'm Ready To RunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang