Five Hearts In One Home: 3

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I arrive back just in time for dinner. I open up the door to be greeted by Harry's arms. I immediately feel the warmth radiate to me, soothing my insides. Blossom, get a grip. You don't like him, he doesn't like you in that way. 

"You're back!" He says in a breathy voice. When we release our hug, he holds my arm and leads me inside. "Are you okay?" He asks leading me to the kitchen. I nod. It's not a lie, but I'm not really telling the truth either. I can't explain why I left. Blossom, you can, you just don't want to. 

He makes me some tea. "Thanks, Harry. Everything is 100% okay. You don't have to worry." I chuckle.

"But you left so suddenly. We were all wondering where you were. I thought you wouldn't come back." Okay. I am fully to blame for that. I didn't think I'll be gone for long. It does turn out to be most of the day. I got to know Barbra and she explained some stories about when Harry used to work in the bakery. 

Oh yeah, I almost got lost.

"Sorry," We sit on the table outside and stare at the sunset in the cool spring air. The only things keeping me warm is the hot tea in my hand and Harry beside me. We sit there in silence as the breeze comes past sending shivers down my spine. Then an owl hoots in the far distance, the day coming to a close. Small wafts of the warm dinner from inside travel outside, bringing me back to earth.

"We should probably head inside..." He looks at me and nods helping me off the table. He then leads me back inside where we are greeted with dinner.


Harry, taking sips of his wine, sits next to me watching television in the living room. The house is so quiet. The cats are sleeping, Gemma, Michal and even Anne. We have the whole night to ourselves. 

As I've previously explained, I don't really drink. I mean I can, but I don't feel the need to. I have a glass of wine in my hand, but I only take the smallest sips possible. Harry has had a few too many. Seeing Harry not sober is hysterical.Hilarious. Priceless. Any other words for funny. 

Don't get me wrong, he's not drunk, just tipsy. I eat the strawberries we bought yesterday as Harry become less sober and less sober. "Harry, please don't drink too much, you'll have a hangover."

He takes my hands.What is he doing?Blossom, he's being drunk. "No I won't," He says taking another big gulp of his drink. He then leans on my shoulders then looks at me. 

It's safe to say he's drunk, not tipsy.

I take a tiny sip of my wine as he arises from my shoulder. I then take a bite out of a strawberry. "You look amazing, love." He whispers in my ear. I go red and blushy as he continues. "Stunning" He chuckles. He then looks straight at my face.We are basically touching. He's so close. 

We both take another sip of our drink, me taking bigger and bigger sips. "You're so amazing," He says as I take a bite out of another strawberry. 

He looks down at my lip and kisses me.

Oh. god. 

"You taste like strawberries, love," He whispers. I need to take into consideration that he probably doesn't mean a word he says, or a thing he does because he is completely and utterly drunk.

Either way, I cannot breathe.He just kissed me. My stomach is tingling with butterflies. This took a turn.Should I laugh it off as if it's not a big deal? Because it is a big deal. Or should I...

I cannot think of any other options. I laugh it off.That laugh probably sounded fake. I'm so stupid. "Harry," I look at him. I can't say anything. My mouth becomes dry as if I just poured sand into it. 

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