Party Animal

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We walk into the apartment with muffled music, people kissing everywhere we turn. I think even some of them could be hooking up into open space. It smells of drugs and smoke, sweat and everything that I'm foreign to. Emma doesn't do this, but Lucus' friends do.

We walk over to the drinks in the kitchen. "Blossom," Drunk Emma squeals from afar, a drink dropping from her hand. I let go of Harry's as I leap into a hug. "What are you doing here," She slurs.

"Thought I'd surprise you," I smile. I look around and just notice the purple lights everywhere, dancing on the floor. The air is humid. This is what I signed up for though. I knew it would be a party like this. I can't complain, though. It's lively and fun. It gives you a thrill of energy.

"Nice to see you!" She squeals again. She leads me over to the drinks. I turn back and see Harry still there with a smirk on his face, looking directly at me. "Wanna drink?"

Why not.

Let's get drunk.

Not too drunk to the point where I pass out but, very much drunk.

It's a Thursday, I don't have work until Monday 14th.

I can't believe its already May.

I've known Harry for 3 months.


"Give me anything you've got," I smile. I watch Emma add some drinks into our two shot glasses. I have no clue what any of these drinks are except Vodka. That shows how much I know about alcohol. 

"I have no clue what I'm putting in here," she laughs as she pours more, bouncing to the beat of the muffled music that no one is listening to. "May taste like shit!" She screams. Even the energy in this party makes me all pumped up. It gives me that adrenaline.

This is so unlike me.

She finishes making her drinks and she passes me one. Before I chuck it down my throat, I look at Harry who is still looking at me with a smirk, glasses on his head leant against a open wall arms crossed and one leg over the other. He looks so good. 

Blossom, get yourself together.

"You're drooling." I turn back to see Emma again, taking me out of my thoughts. "3, 2, 1." 

The contents cover my mouth, my taste buds burning, my face shrivelling up. That tasted terrible. "What was that?" I shout with my tongue out, hoping for the burn to disappear.

"I'd like to see you do better,"

I smile confidently, walking over to the cupboards of alcohol. I can do this. I start to feel the alcohol kick it and I couldn't want it any other way. I watch Emma bring Harry over to me and the drinks. I find another cup and decide to use that for Harry's shot.

I crouch down, wobbling slightly, and search for random drinks. I can really feel the alcohol kicking in. I see a bottle of vodka and decide to pour some into our cups. I tumble down again and find tequila in hopes it'll taste okay then pour that in as well. I walk over to the flat drinks and bump into someone "Sorry," I muffle, not caring in the slightest, right now, I'm in cloud nine. My head spins slightly, before going back to its normal state.

I grab some orange juice and pour that in too. 

I think that will do. 

I pass Ems and Harry the contents, trying not to spill anything, alcohol hitting hard. 

"3, 2, 1."

I take a swig of the drink, cringing and trying to ignore the strongness of it.

"Emma," I hear a man's voice from afar. It's Lucus.

This Time I'm Ready To Runजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें