||Chapter 5||The Entrance Exam||

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Yo I originally intended to make a long training arc and get to the entrance exam in chapter 8, however i decided instead to get to that point now and explain more of the training through flashbacks>;]

Especially since it's been a month since the last chapter-

Have some really long projects and some tests and studying made me lazy asf. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Without further ado, LET'S GOOO-

Also if you haven't read Stronger and Stronger you might wanna do that-

(3rd POV)

It had been 5 months, 5 long, painful months but you had grown even if not by much you felt stronger. And through those 5 months you got to see a teacher like side to your explosive comrade.

You were nervous, why wouldn't you be? It was the day of the entrance exam and you had no idea what to expect.

You had a small bit of confidence knowing you had been practicing for so long.

As you were walked into the front area of UA you spotted a very familiar face. It was Midoriya, you hadn't seen him for the entire time you had been training.

You hadn't even visited him during your break, so you thought it would be a good idea to do some catching up on this One For All business.

You were about to great him until.

He's falling


You attempted to catch him before he fell only to see him stop right before impact.


You looked to his side to see best girl-

To see a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks.

"That must be her quirk" You thought to yourself relieved that Midoriya didn't get his first kiss with the bricks.

You watched their interaction not wanting to Interupt and before you could great him you were grabbed by Bakugo as he dragged you inside getting some strange looks from other students.

"K-Kaachan you're gonna pull my arm off!" You frantically try to escape his grasp as he finally let's go and you plummet to the floor.

Be real cool to have that girl here right about n-

You hit the floor with your face.

"GET UP RED EYES THIS IS NO TIME TO BE SLEEPING" He says picking you up and proceeding to walk away leaving you to stare.

You rubbed your face and followed behind Bakugo until you reached the room for the written exam.

(Time skip brought you by Midoriya being cute)

You were seated with Midoriya and Bakugo as you see Present Mic appear and start shouting.


This was followed by silence


What enthusiasm?

He begins to explain everything needed to know about the second exam.

Robots, Points, Zero pointer, areas, cities, get alot of points to win.

Bakugo and You were separated, you weren't too upset since this way Bakugo couldn't take all the points away. Really this was a blessing from God.

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