Amusement Park (AU): GN Hange x GN Reader

Start from the beginning

"What ride do you want to go on next?" You asked, wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"Which one do you want to go on (Y/N)? I've taken you on like five rides so far, there's got to be a ride you want to go on!"

"Hmm," you thought. "How about a water ride? It's afternoon now so it's getting really hot! I'm literally sweating so bad."

"A water ride sounds refreshing!" Hange grinned. "But I didn't pack my swimsuit?"

"We don't have to go to the waterpark, just a ride with a water drop!"

"Okay, we'll go when you're done with your drink," Hange casually swung their legs, looking around them.

You resisted the urge to kiss them. How did they always look so good? Your race was red and sweaty, your hair a mess, but Hange looked relaxed and refreshed. Their smile radiated pure joy. You slurped up the rest of your drink, standing up and throwing the cup in the trash can.

"Let's go?" You asked, glancing at Hange. "I know the way, it's next to the Ferris wheel."

Hange entwined their fingers with yours and you led them through the throngs of sweaty park guests, eyes scanning for the start of the line. The line, like most of the rides, was longer than thirty minutes. You held back a sigh. You couldn't help it. You were being burnt to a crisp regardless of the amount of sunscreen you had put on.

You glanced over the railing to look at the ride. Each "log" fit two people and the ride ended with the log falling off a very high drop into the water. You shivered, imagining the feeling of the cool water against your skin.

"It's almost our turn!" Hange said, excitedly. "Have you ridden this before?"

"Nope, it'll be my first time with you," you grinned back.

"Oh, it'll be so much f—"

Hange was cut off once you reached the beginning of the line. You slid onto the black seat, wincing as your shoes and pants got wet because of the leftover water. Hange slid in next to you, their thigh squeezing against yours. Before you had fully adjusted into the seat, the ride shot forward and you gripped Hange's wrist.

"Wait, there are no restraints? What if we fall off?" You asked, panicked.

"Nobody's fallen off before! The drop isn't too bad. And don't worry, I've got you," Hange wrapped an arm around your waist.

The log glided along the water tube and you peered over the side, the height sending butterflies in your stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea...Maybe you would fall out—

The log dropped and you two were hurtling into the pool of water. Hange shrieked loudly and your eyes widened, a scream leaving your throat. Before you knew it, you were thrust into the cold water, and it soaked your entire body. You saw nothing but water all around.

The ride came to a stop and you sputtered, wiping water from your eyes. "That was..."

"Amazing!" Hange squealed. "Let's go again!"

"N-no," your teeth chattered. "I-I'm cold now."

"You'll be hot any second, the sun's still shining," Hange helped you off the log and led you to the shade. "Let's look at the map and choose our next ride!"

You nodded and noticed that someone was looking at you two. You turned and noticed it was a guy, around your age. His cheeks were flushed, and he was staring directly at Hange. Bewildered, you noticed there was another guy looking their way. More specifically at Hange's chest.

"Hey, why are those guys looking at—" You turned to Hange and instantly realized why they were getting so much attention.

The water had caused Hange's white t-shirt to become transparent and it stuck completely to their skin. You could clearly see the imprints of their chest, exposing pretty much everything, and not leaving much to the imagination. Your mouth dropped open. No wonder why those boys were staring.

Hange (and AOT) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now