You laughed, "Perfect Jay."

JJ quickly took the test and left, knowing they would all turn out positive. You waited for JJ's text as you planned out the perfect text to send to Spencer.

Hey babe, you need to come home. No, it needs to be more dramatic.

Spence, come home. It's urgent. Maybe, he might realize it will be a prank.

You began to ponder the idea of just calling him. Your acting skills were decent enough that you could cry on command, you thought you might as well try it.

JJ finally texted you that she was back in the office and mission "prank Spencer" was on. You quickly went to start your fake crying ritual and call Spencer.

"Spencer," you whimpered into the phone after he answered.

"y/n?" Spencer asked. "What's wrong?"

You choked a sob, "E-everything Spence, everything."

"W-what do you mean?" Spencer asked frantically.

"What do you think I mean Spencer?" you retorted. "Everything is wrong and I don't know what to do." You began sobbing into the phone.

"Babe, babe," Spencer said, trying to calm you down. "I am on my way home now, don't do anything stupid."

"You think I'm stupid?" You asked, trying not to laugh.

"No," Spencer sighed. "I'm on my way home right now. Be still."

After receiving multiple texts from JJ talking about Spencer frantic leave from the BAU, you knew your prank was working.

Spencer was surprisingly able to make it back from work at record speed, you pretended to calm yourself down as Spencer rushed in the door. He rushed to your side and pulled you into a hug. After Spencer released you from your hug, he decided to talk to you.

"Will you tell me what is going on?" Spencer asked. "I've been crazy worried. I even broke like three traffic laws to get here."

"It's more of a show thing, Spencer," you explained.

Spencer looked at you blankly, "Then can you show me?"

You went into the bathroom and grabbed the tests, "Spencer, I don't want you to be mad at me. Okay?" He nodded. "I'm pregnant," you said, showing him the tests.

Spencer began tearing up, "Are you serious?" Before you could answer with April Fools, Spencer pulled you into a massive hug. "I love you so so much."


This was not the way you wanted it to go. Spencer was now on his knees, kissing your stomach and talking to it.

"Spencer," you said. "Spencer, stop talking to my stomach."

Spencer looked at you questionably, "Why?"

"It was a prank, April Fools' Day?" you retorted. "Remember?"

"Wait so you're not actually pregnant?" Spencer asked, you shook your head confused. "I mean, it would make sense, you have been sick recently and I think you're late on your period."

Mega fuck.

You were actually pregnant.

"Spencer, go buy me three tests," you said as calmly as you could. "I think I'm pregnant, actually pregnant."

Spencer ran to the store and bought you tests. As he was gone you decided to inform JJ of the situation over text. She was shocked to say the least.

"WHAT?" She screamed into the phone. "You think you're actually pregnant?"

You sighed into the phone, "Yep, well Spencer does and I believe him."

"Is he getting tests?" She asked.

"Right now he is at the store buying them," you explained. "Jen, you should have seen him. He was so happy, so excited. Is it bad I want to be pregnant?"

JJ laughed, "No y/n, of course not. That's perfectly normal."

You heard the front door open, "JJ, he's back."

"Okay, I love you, let me know how it goes. Okay?"

"Of course," you said before hanging up.

Spencer walked into the kitchen and followed you to your bathroom, "Ready?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied. You took the three tests and began to wait. The next five minutes were the longest five minutes of your life. Waiting for the tests to come back and possibly change your life forever felt like an eternity.

Suddenly Spencer's timer went off, "Ready to look?" Spencer asked.

You nodded as you began to flip the tests over one at a time.




All positive.

You looked over at Spencer, tears in your eyes and rushed into his embrace.

"Oh my God," Spencer breathed shakily. "We're having a baby."

"We're having a baby," you said. "Thank God for April Fools' Day."

Spencer laughed as he gave you a kiss on the head, "I love you both."

"We love you too."

Words: 1247

updating for 45K reads!!! thank you all so so so much!
i am working on updating more, but school is getting vvv intense with ap tests coming up!!
i love every single one of you so so much

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