The Fire- Maedhros, Maglor and Reader PART 1

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Requested by demons_angel9078

I hope you like part 1! I will do my best to get part two up as soon as I can.

One minute you were driving down the road, and the next you are laying on a white sandy beach. The sun was blaring down on you, pounding into your closed eyes. But you try to open them, only to be blinded by colorful spots. Your head swims with groggy heaviness as you try to push yourself up. Soon falling back onto the watery sand.
"Mugh." You reach tiredly for the painful object behind your head. "Wow." The object was a rock with blue, white, and black crystals that glittered in the weird light.
You throw the crystal away and attempt to push yourself up again. It takes some time, but you are able to clamber to your feet, spreading your arms out as you stumble to keep your footing.

Finally, the dizziness clears and you're able to look around you.

It seems that you're standing on a beach of pure white sand and glittering crystalline waters. The only thing you hear is the thunderous roar of the tumultuous waves and the cry of seagulls. The air is surprisingly sweet, yet there isn't a flower in sight. It's as if someone had taken the entire Dior collection and perfumed the air. It seemed to refresh your mind as you inhaled, it seemed to gather all your bad thoughts and feelings and expel it all out through your lungs.

The perfect scent wasn't the only odd, but beautiful, thing in this place. There were also millions of colorful stones that littered the beach. Each rock seemed to refract light in a way that could only be deemed as dazzling. You pick up a small red jewel to study. You turn it in your hand and it glitters and reflects and casts rainbows all around.

Amazed, you pocket it. Trying to get the entrancing colors off your mind. There are better things to worry about. But worrying seemed hard to do here. You knew you should worry, should probably be terrified, yet you aren't. You know you should worry about where to go, or what to do next. But it is simply impossible. So, you begin walking. There are no wrong answers here.

The beach was still beautiful, though your feet become sore from walking so long, and you are getting a little hungry and terribly thirsty. As the lighting began to change from a golden brilliance to a silver calmness you spot what looks like a city far off in the distance. With beautiful spires rising to the sky. But not very far away you spy a small house that was nestled into a small group of woods not very far from the bank of what you have now realized is a river.

You go to it. It seems to be completely abandoned but you look around just to be sure.
You look through a window. The house is dark, and the fireplace seems to be immaculately clean. You knock. Just to make sure, but there is only silence as you wait. Tentatively you try the door, and to your surprise, it opens for you—there is no need to lock doors in Valor.

You explore the rooms of the small house. The kitchen, the dining room, two bedrooms, and the living room show no signs of being lived in. In fact, the only signs of any humans are the two sets of clothes that are in the dresser in one of the bedrooms. Certainly not enough to live in.

It seemed like it was getting late, the lighting had almost completely turned to silver, so you decided to stay the night. Only because you really don't want to go through a strange forest at night, and an even stranger city. And for the first time in what seemed to be your whole life, you finally feel the fear of the unknown. All the 'what ifs' and 'now whats' begin to blaze in your mind. But you set it aside hoping that whoever owned the house wouldn't come home.

* * * * * * *

You are wandering the streets outside the city, marveling at the glorious beauty of everyone and everything you see. You were certain that such a place could never exist! You were certainly thankful that you decided to wear the dress that was left in that house...

You are outside the city, enjoying it, taking it all in, when something catches your eye. It is a shock of red hair, and a shorter black-haired person was staring straight at you. They both seem small, yet the intensity of their gaze makes that even more unnerving. It's as if they are judging you, sizing you up. It's obvious you've been caught. It's as if you could feel them knowing you are out of place. And now they start whispering furiously to each other.

You have to get out.

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