The guy gave her a side smile, as he contained his laugh from her reaction. Ofcourse it was just a joke for him.

"Woudn't you like that"

She'd love it.

"Of Course not! Are you crazy?" she tried to control the trembling in her voice, but miserably failed to do so.

Lie number one.

"Crazy for you, if that's the case" he whispered once again in her ear, his deep voice sending signals all over her body.

Mac had seen him flirt with a number of girls before, she was used to that behaviour even if it pained her. But him flirting with her happened on a few occasions only, she could count them with her right hand and fingers would be left out. Normally, she'd answer back to him, proving to him he didn't make her nervous, even if it was not true, but this time, he had caught her completely off guard.

"Stop joking around"

Before Corpse could have the chance to answer, the bottle started spinning once again.

This time, the bottle spinned faster.

It spun 4 times around the circle before it started to slow down.

As the floor's friction managed to make the bottle stop, it landed just before the girl with the blue locks.

"Ohh this is gonna be good" Felix, who apparently had just passed, asked his friend, "Lara, truth or dare"

The girl simply rolled her eyes at him and answered simply.


The boy had a mischievous look on his face, which instantly made the girl regret her decision.

" have Sykkuno and you already done it? "

The girl didn't even let him finish when she was already taking a sip from her boyfriend's beer, making a disgusted face soon after she did.

All of the males ohh'd at the girls action, some reaching to "congratulate" the blushing boy besides her.

A part of Mac felt jealous of her friend. Don't get her wrong, she was happy for her, ofcourse. But a part of her felt jealous of how she managed to get the boy she wanted so quickly. Lara and Sykunno had been dating for around 9 months already, Mac and Corpse doing a GREAT job setting them up. Even if she was absolutely proud of her friend, she wanted Corpse to look at her the way Sykunno looked at Lara, for them to be together. So she just watched silently, wondering if her time would ever come.

Lara averted the attention as she made the bottle spin once again.

This time, it stopped rather quickly as it landed on Hannah.

"Truth or dare?" Lara asked simply, ready for either of the answers her friend would give her.

"Dare." goldilocks replied, a hint of nervousness evident in her tone.

"Call Christopher and tell him you'll be his girlfriend."

That was another interesting love story.

"He's busy, he probably won't pick up" the girl said anxiously as she took out her phone.

Just like Lucy and Jackson, Hannah and Christopher had been a thing for a while now. However, the lack of formalization in their relationship was due to the fact that the male was almost never present. The guy travelled a lot as a result of his dream of becoming a singer, and when he had free time, his family made him visit his relatives. For Hannah's luck, the guy had relatives scattered all around the globe. Needless to say, he'd bring her all sorts of grifts when he returned, however, it didn't contrarest the fact it would be a kind of long distance relationship. Therefore, Hannah decided to wait. No one liked long distance relationships after all.

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