He killed my mom

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Draft loll - this is not proof read and kind wordy sorry :(

This is basically THAT scene in CA:CW but you're Tony's sister. 

(Once again you know Bucky killed your parents. I didn't know how to write it so that it was a reader x bucky any other way. Sorry.)

Words: 4051 (ikr?!?!)


The large hatch on the ship opened revealing hideously cold winter weather in Siberia. The snow poured down onto the ground fast, as a gust of wind hit your face harshly causing you to hiss at the goose-bumps that surfaced your skin. 

You, Bucky and Steve were the only ones who successfully got onto the jet, sadly leaving Wanda, Clint, Scott and Sam to get caught. Steve told you it was for the greater good and that you'll get them out of there, but you were sceptical about it. 

When Secretary Ross first introduced the Accords, you knew there was going to be a disagreement, and it was almost immediately clear who was on who's side. 

Nat, Vision, Rhodey and Tony were for signing the accords, but you, Steve, Sam, Clint and Wanda didn't see the point. 

   "Secretary Ross has a congressional medal of honour, which is one more than you have," Rhodey pointed at Sam who had his arms crossed, looking rather angry. You looked over at Tony who sat slumped in his chair, his palm covered his face in disappointment and tiredness.

   "So let's say we agree to this thing," Sam argued back. "How long is it going to be before they lojack us like a bunch of common criminals?" 

   "117 countries want to sign this," Rhodey explained. "117 Sam. And you're just like 'no that's cool'-" He exaggerated his point by lifting his arms in a way to mock Sam.

Sam interrupted Rhodes, done with his bullshit. "How long are you gonna play both sides?" Sam turned his body to face Rhodey's next to him, tilting his head waiting for an answer. 

You sat next to Natasha on the double couch, opposite the two fighting men. You decided not to get involved anymore, knowing if you said anything Tony would immediately assume you were on his side. Which by the way, was completely wrong.

Finally, Vision spoke up; "I have an equation," He crossed his legs as all gazes turned to him. "In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially." He intertwined his fingers and placed them on his knee dramatically. "and during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commencer rate." 

Your brows furrowed as you sat up from your seat, putting your elbows on your thighs. "So you're saying it's our fault?" You asked, looking straight into his eyes.

   "I'm saying there's maybe a causality." He paused, thinking. "Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict and conflict...breeds catastrophe. Oversite is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand," 

Rhodey's face slightly light up, "Boom," He nodded his head in agreement, turning to look at Sam who wasn't pleased. 

You shook your head and looked down for a second before turning your gaze to Steve who was staring at you, trying to find out what you were thinking about doing. You simply shook your head at him and he understood you didn't want to sign. 

   "Tony," Natasha said in a almost too-joyful voice. "You're being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal," She smiled at him. Your heart raced at what she was planning to do.

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